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Meet the Fantastically Bejeweled Skeletons of Catholicism’s....


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...Forgotten Martyrs http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/history/2013/10/meet-the-fantastically-bejeweled-skeletons-of-catholicisms-forgotten-martyrs/



An interesting article and creepy, fantastic photos. I am requesting a quest mod that could have some basis, ( not necessarily in direct connection to the stories ), in the stories and definitely the photos. I am just thinking a cool quest mod could be constructed.



Saint Coronatus



Saint Valentinus


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I think he's looking for a quest with multiple jeweled skeletons hidden throughout skyrim. Perhaps make them martyrs to the divines, daedra or something else and each has a special jewel that unlocks a temple with an artifact in it, as well as just having other jewels on them. Think a quest similar in fashion to the dragon priest masks.

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  • 3 months later...

The following quest is simply one of a variety of possible ideas that I thought could be based off of the article and photos.


Moreover, the following quest is just a rough outline that certainly needs all kinds of details to be fleshed out. So my request would be a mod of either the following storyline, a modification of the following storyline or some completely
different storyline altogether as long as the quest has some connection to the information of the article and the photos.


However much or little that connection is to the article would have to be of course left up to the person making the quest mod.

Thanks for reading the following and for considering crafting a mod quest.

These Six Kings

As far as a quest line for this particular topic it could possibly be a journey to find 5 ancient priest kings who had been murdered by a 6th priest king who at one time been a loyal friend and fellow servant. This 6th priest king of the holy order had over a period of time been progressively deceived and consequently turned against the 5. The reason for the progressive betrayal which eventually ended in the murder of the 5 priest kings by the 6th priest king could be crafted in
any number of ways. But I suppose that some sort of enticing evil person or spirit or some kind of wicked, vile entity could have spotted a particular weakness in the 6th king. A lust for power, or some ancient arcane knowledge. A secretive knowledge which would be prohibited for all of the inhabitants of the Elder Scrolls world. ( Except of course the 6 priest kings, the guardians who pereptually work to keep a proper balance of good over evil in the Elder Scrolls world. )


A knowledge that could be used for evil purposes in spite of the fact that said knowledge was only designed for holy and goodly service meant to benefit all races in the Elder Scrolls world.

Anyway, the wicked, enticing entity could have slowly poisoned the mind of the 6th priest king in some fashion. Progessively causing the 6th priest king to lose all manner of reason and wisdom that is intrinsically a part of the order of priest kings whose job is to be a perpetual balance of good in the Elder Scrolls world. The kind of proper balance so that evil could never really ever get so out of hand that all that is good would be permanently obliterated from the world of Elder Scrolls.

Moreover, as a consequence of the wicked entity corrupting the 6th priest king, the now corrupted priest king murders the other 5 of the holy order of priest kings. Thus, these 5 murdered priest kings would be martyrs if you will as these are priest kings of a holy order who are defenders of all that it holy and good in the Elder Scrolls world.

Therefore, the quest could be a journey to search for the murdered/martyred 5 priest kings, in which each spirit of the 5 would give a clue as to how to battle and defeat both the corrupted 6th priest king and also the enticing, wicked entity who deceived and betrayed the 6th priest king into evil.

Each of the 5 priest kings could also grant any variety of rewards in order to effectively fulfill the holy work to destroy the enticing entity and the 6th priest king. Such a reward could be an added perk, a potion, a weapon, a scroll, a follower, a gem, a beast, etc. Of course, each reward would have to be fleshed out with regard to what its' powers and capabilites are.

Upon success of the quest, not only would the corrupted 6th priest king and his evil work be destroyed, but the corrupted priest king now dead could be purified in some kind of sacred ritual of the holy order of the priest kings and thus restored in eternal friendship again alongside the 5 murdered/martyred priest kings whom he had killed while under the deceived, persuasive influence of the wicked entity.

During the journey of the quest to find the 5 martyred priest kings, it could be that the rewards of the 5 dead priest kings would each be important elements for the performing of the sacred ritual in order to be able to purify the 6th priest king and thus restore him to the other 5 of the holy order for eternity.

Thus, the proper balance of good over evil would now be rightfully restored for the inhabitants of the Elder Scrolls world, and 6 brand new persons could be chosen to replace and carry on the perpetual holy service of the now 6 dead priest kings on behalf of the inhabitants of Elder Scrolls.

As I read the article, I really was fascinated by the photos and thought that they could be a visual blue print to graphically represent the 5 martyered priest kings and then also the 6th priest king after he or she is killed. Each of the 6 priest kings could have a holy site for pilgrims to visit and pray and make offerings of coin, gems, weapons, food or whatever the pilgrim desires to offer. There could be 6 separate holy sites scattered throughout Skyrim or just one site to represent all 6 of the priest kings.


The priest kings could be all male or all female or some combination of both and of course any of Elder Scrolls races could hold a position among the 6.

Finally, as stated previously, all of this is just a basic framework of only one kind of quest mod story that I was requesting that someone would be willing to make. That someone would be interested in investing the time to properly flesh out all of the details. And that someone would be willing to craft whatever visuals and graphics would be needed for the quest.

Thanks again for taking the time to read and consider all of this. :smile:

Edited by Bluegemcutter
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