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Portal Gun


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I am surprised no one has already tried this since I have seen the portal gun in numerous games since "Portal" ranging from Unreal Tournament 3 to GTA Vice City.


So anyway I thought I would request someone to make the portal gun from "Portal" Of course the gun model itself is not important [and might infringe copywrite] . Just the ability of shooting portals and the "speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out" mechanic :biggrin:

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I'll tell you what I told the last 3 threads about this exact topic in the last week:


Impossible, first, not only will you NOT be able to move the portals, to complex; you will also NOT be able to go through them, or even see them!


Its all impossible, sorry.

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Its sad to hear that this cant be done. It does surprise me though that it cant be done in a newer engine like FO3 considering it was done in GTA:Vice City which is pretty old now.


Any link to an explanation why? Couldnt find it through search.

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My guess would be that some engines just aren't built for certain things.
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you can build stuff like that... just use a script that drops (placeatme or moveto) some kind of item that looks like a black hole in front of you, also let it spawn a cubic activator ontop or infront or around that hole... and just use a simple moveto script ontriggeractivate


this is so fast that it doesnt need load times (at least as long as you dont leave the cell)


question remains where do you moveto after you got in the hole?... and would it actually improve gameplay?

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Which still haves 3 problems:

1) You won't be able to see the other side.. ever.


2) Fallout physics suck, speedy item goes in, thing that gibs everywhere and crashes the game comes out. Enjoy.


3) You'll get stuck 99% of the time with the floor/roof/walls.


In other words. not worth the coding effort.

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