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Hello, as many of you know lip file creation contains issues, at least in the lastest construction set, I though use the fixed version (extender).
I created the wav, made sure it's mono, 64 kbps, 16 bit, and 44,100 Hz. But It doesn't work. I will upload the .wav I used just in case I made a mistake.
If you don't wanna download/look at it yourself.
I tried using the liptemplate as well but nope. I believe I tested the old construction set as well but I don't remember it working (My memory of that night is hazzy to say the least :wink:). My guess is maybe the .wav is broken, but I have no idea.
I checked every lip file related posts and even a script that meant to automate it but nope. I spent quite a bit of time trying everything I can think of but nothing worked. Any help would be appreciated.
Error log:
[CSE] Generating LIP file for 'Data\Sound\Voice\HoarfrostCastle.esp\Imperial\M\HCGetCastle_GREETING_00009A0D_1'...
[CSE] Using text.
[CSE] Checking sound file [Data\Sound\Voice\HoarfrostCastle.esp\Imperial\M\HCGetCastle_GREETING_00009A0D_1.wav]...
[CSE] LS Error - Data\Sound\Voice\HoarfrostCastle.esp\Imperial\M\HCGetCastle_GREETING_00009A0D_1.wav - "You there! It's obvious to look at you that you can handle yourself in a dangerous situation. I'm in need of help, you see." - "The specified sound file could not be loaded."


Note: This Topic was originally in "Oblivion Mod Troubleshooting" under this. It's safe to say that was not the right place for it, so I'm reposting the topic here. Apologies for that mistake.

Edited by AdeptusFreemanicus
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The line with "[CSE] LS Error gives you hint where is searching for wav and so you must rename a wav to this name and put it in or create requested directory. So recheck these two things:


1. Is your replica named HCGetCastle_GREETING_00009A0D_1.wav ?

2. Is Sound\Voice\HoarfrostCastle.esp\Imperial\M\ folder present in Data directory and if so, is your wav under this name present in it?

Edited by RomanR
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The line with "[CSE] LS Error gives you hint where is searching for wav and so you must rename a wav to this name and put it in or create requested directory. So recheck these two things:


1. Is your replica named HCGetCastle_GREETING_00009A0D_1.wav ?

2. Is Sound\Voice\HoarfrostCastle.esp\Imperial\M\ folder present in Data directory and if so, is your wav under this name present in it?

Yeah, I tried to use other lines and it still didn't work, I tried using the old method without the Construction set extender and that didn't work either, it gave me the same error. I even tried three installations, one without any Oblivion folders, one in my main installation, and one with a clean installation and none of them worked.


Thanks for the reply though.

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This issue was resolved after reinstalling the latest version of CSE, all DLLs, developed by Shadme. All DLLs and other files must be installed under C:\Games\Oblivion


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