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My absolute spite toward forced dickery (kids, forget you just read that until yyou're sixteen!) is well-known and wearily expected in the Nexus community. My saying a quest is worse than the original version of Hole In The Wall is rare, hateful terrotory. So what do I hate more?


Kid. In. A. Fridge.


Ghouls may have rot and maturity at the same time, they may well go feral when their chaotic metabol;ism goes wrong and warps their brains, but they do mature. They also breathe, eat, drink, and sleep.


That kid in that fridge is impossible. It's stupid and lazy scriptwriting even by Bathysp[herical standards. And the Start Me Up opening just north of Quincy lets you off the highway right there at that fridge.


I refuse. I won't do that quest. Not now. Not EVER. There's batch files to auto-complete quests but that isn't good enough. I want that quest GONE. I want something that can be put up and run when the game does that keeps that quest from ever starting, that kills it dead, that yanks that *))*(&^(*^ out by the root! God knows the Bathysphere won't do it, all this time and the loadscreens still auto-rotate unless you take heroic steps against it, so it's up to the modders (as usual).

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My headcanon: ghouls can enter a state of hibernation, when left without oxygen, but still having access to radiation. Their ghoul physiology can still produce some energy from a radiosynthesis of sorts, but far less than regular cellular respiration would. Enough to prevent the cells from breaking down, but not enough for any movement or brain activity. Until the oxygen supply is restored.


But yes, in the end, this is just bethesda being lazy.

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My headcanon: ghouls can enter a state of hibernation, when left without oxygen, but still having access to radiation. Their ghoul physiology can still produce some energy from a radiosynthesis of sorts, but far less than regular cellular respiration would. Enough to prevent the cells from breaking down, but not enough for any movement or brain activity. Until the oxygen supply is restored.


But yes, in the end, this is just bethesda being lazy.

Lazy? no. Not in this case. (They even took the time to add the option to sell 'm into slavery...)

Careless & inconsistent. But that's what "Bethesda" stands for :cool:


Take some food, water, oxygen, whatever you need, and go sit inside your (turned off) fridge for a few days. Then TRY stepping out and walk ... (better take some painkillers along too!)

Your skeleton wasn't made to be stuffed up like that. Your bones & joints will deteriorate and getting them back in working order will be extremely painful, if even possible after 210 years.


As for food & water, in this case we are looking at an average 1.5 Kg of food and 2 liters water (just to drink) a day. That's a serious mountain of about 115.000 Kg of food & 150.000+ Liters of water.

& a big hole, for all the oxygen...


I admit I was a bit baffled when I discovered it the first time. Like "Say what? 210 years inside a (airtight) fridge, without food, no water, no aging ... who comes up with this stuff!?!?!?" ... But I don't feel hatred towards it, just the urge to put my palm in front of my face :dry:

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