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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Fixing gender options


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Could a modder please make a mod that fixes the gender issues in the game? Npcs are constantly referring to the player as 'they', regardless of what gender you play as. Also a huge problem, we can't chose a gender in the character creation, only body A/B and voices, which is a huge problem and a huge disrespect towards the WAST MAJORITY.

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So you can pick a body type (male or female) and a voice type, but you can't tell if you "created" a male or female character? I pity you...


And the "they" pronoun is probably for financial reasons. Now the voice actors only needed to record one line of dialogue, not two, per conversation ;)

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I assume from this request that the game is completely unvoiced and it would be a simple text swap?


Otherwise, this would be an absurd request to make if it requires changing thousands of pre-recorded voice lines.

Changing the subtitles would be enough. Obviously changing the audio would require a lot of work and would probably sound stupid.

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  • 5 months later...

Embarrassingly stupid comment section... If you find "they" (which is just UNSPECIFIED gender that makes it easy for the devs) to be "offensive", you are a crybaby snowflake that's offended by their own shadow and a selfish prick that wants the devs to do needless extra work despite the insane amount they already have to do. Get over yourself and be considerate of others. It is quite literally IMPOSSIBLE to be offensive when it's basically just referring to you as "that person" essentially. It is not misgendering, because it's literally the ABSENCE of gendering... Unlike you hypocrites that are here crying about being male and the game just referring to you as a person, while you turn around and ACTUALLY misgender real people...?!


Walk in someone else's shoes... outside in grass... and while you're at it, go meet real people that you think it's okay to hurt. You are seriously some overly privileged babies that have never had to go through being constantly harassed like trans people. I also deeply encourage you to learn more about literally anything before you judge it... There is NO reason to immediately hate something you don't fully understand. That is illogical and undeniably idiotic. Speaking of idiotic, if you respond with "too long, not reading" or some sh*t, being lazy and illiterate is nothing to be proud of.

Edited by HereToMakeFunOfYou
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