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{WIP} Requiem Redone - SkyRe's Perks in Requiem


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Hi I'm really interested in this too. Been torn between Requiem (want the difficulty/immersion and realism aspect), but with the variability and mod compatability of SkyRE. I give you a lot of props! Holidays are over. Have you made any more progress with this? Fix the smithing issue?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I too am very interested in this. I played with skyre for a little bit and loved the perk system, but was really looking for the realism of requiem. Requiem with Live Another Life is a great way to roleplay skyrim. It never ceases to amaze me the dedication, quality, and imagination of the modding community. You guys make awesome games like skyrim so much more enjoyable and extend their playability. Thank you for putting your time into this.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Any rough estimates on progress? Like everyone else, I find Requiems perks boring after coming from (trying) SkyRe, but everything else about Requiem I find superior. The best of both worlds would be wonderful!

Well, so far I have done about 80% of the weapons/smithing/armor, and have done about 90% of potions and alchemy, the only big major hurdle left is to make sure that the wayfarer/fingersmith trees work as intended, and then trying to tackle magic, which will likely be the biggest problem... And then I also have to reword every single SkyRe Perk to be more 'requiem sounding'


I can not predict a release date yet, but I can estimate I am about 30% done? This is a pretty massive undertaking. lol I kinda underestimated it going in, I have to basically edit every single item that SkyRe touches, either in requiem or in SkyRe, and I am doing it all by myself, and I am also working on my own mod, and an update for my OBIS-Requiem patch, so things are moving a bit slow. I plan on working on it a good bit this weekend though, hopefully I can finish up the equipment and alchemy stuff, and get started on SkyRe's newly added perk trees.


Melee combat is working, but Requiems damage, both given and received, needs to be set to 150% to feel like Requiem, and so far it looks like the Reproccer will be able to make any armor/weapon mod work for requiem redone, like it does SkyRe, which is pretty cool. Though, any mod that adds in bows will not get the added bow effects of requiem allowing them to be broken and forcing NPCs to use ammo, as these have to be manually added to each and every bow by hand.

Edited by ArtMurder
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I'm intrigued. My only real regret for Requiem over SkyRe is that it loses SkyRe's Wayfarer tree.


On the other hand, though, will your Magic section include SkyRe's spell nerfs? One of the things that put me off SkyRe was the whole idea of spell minimalism, where even Novice spells should be useful at high levels - which, I find, completely throws off the sense of old-school magic exponential power progression. I don't want to just see Flames burn health faster when I hit 100 Destruction, I want to blast dragons out of the sky with Firestrike!

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Well, it looks like I'm going to have to end work on this project.... I encountered a very severe glitch with TES5Edit that will either force me to start over from scratch or spend about two weeks fixing the 300+ references it deleted for no reason, and instead of trying to help me or even acknowledge the glitch, a member of the developer team for it basically mocked me and told me not to post unless I was posting "constructive criticism" so I am not about to add weeks/months to my development time to this if the modders behind tes5edit can not spend 5 minutes to acknowledge their program isn't perfect.


I really wanted to see this project come to light, but I have to much on my shoulders trying to do this all by myself to put up with this kind of crap. Which really saddens me, because i had just finished off the smithing/weapon/armor and alchemy/potion sections I had been working on for months and was ready to start on magic.


i may one day attempt to remake this again from scratch using something other then TES5Edit, but it will likely take me much, much longer then it would have if TES5Edit had just worked as intended. =[ I am very sorry about this everyone, but I'm just overworked with this project as is without all of this being piled on top of it because of another modders shortcomings...

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