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Help! My daughter want Wednesday Character in her next playthrough


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Howdy my fellow Modders and Mod Creators!


now with the Wednesday Series on Netflix my youngest of course want Wednesday Addams in her FO4, and sadly i know almost nothing about making characters :ermm:

any Expert here who can give me some advice is much appreciated.


Take care all of you wonderful people!

Edited by fungus111
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Hiya Fungus.

That's really cool. From what I have heard, that is a really good series.

Basically if you don't have it already what you will want is a mod called LooksMenu. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12631

And F4SE if you're not already using it (required by LM).

Essentially LM will allow you to create presets for characters, while you are in the character creation part of the intro to the game, and save them for future use. It's also the most common way that people share character presets.


Also, I do want to mention that while I really wish you great luck on getting this for your daughter, the site has rules about asking modders to do work for pay. Or offering to pay them. I know that you have good intentions, and offer it as a sign of appreciation, so I'm just letting you know... as a goodwill offering ;)

But yeah... we can't do the whole for pay thing here ;)

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