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Customizing/ combining mods on creation kit


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There are a couple of options.


The modern solution is to use Construction Set Extender which is set up to allow using ESPs as masters for other ESPs.


The other way is to use an older version of Wrye Bash to ESMify the ESP you want to use as a master and then ESPify it again once you are done modifying the ESP you want to edit. The ESMify/ESPify is just flipping a bit the the file header to make the CS think that it's a master (ESM) but the file extension isn't actually changed. When you're done the ESP you edited uses the re-ESPified as it's master (and so that ESP must be higher in your load order than the ESP you edited).


This ability has been removed from the latest versions of Wrye Bash in favour of the CSE method.

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There are a couple of options.


The modern solution is to use Construction Set Extender which is set up to allow using ESPs as masters for other ESPs.

Thanks .I tried to install it but coud not get it to launch.



I don't use CSE myself (hence the detailed description of how to use obsolete versions of Wrye Bash for the task) but I do know that there are specific requirements around running CSE as adminstrator (don't if I recall correctly) and there is a batch file (Launch CSE.bat) that you use to start it (and I believe there are fail-safe checks that will give you some warnings for common problems).


Wish I could be more my usual step by step on getting it running, but that's not easy to do when you haven't walked the walk first.


I still use version 305 of WB, and from what I can see it looks like the oldest available version of WB might be version 291, but it is for specific issues and requires the more 'hands on' type installation. None of the older versions like my 305 seems to have download links anymore (the devs probably got tired of supporting install and use problems with their obsolete versions, and I don't blame them).

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