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Tracking completed quests


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Hey Nexus community.


I've been looking for a mod that tracks what quests you have completed.

Much like the achievement tab in World of Warcraft. For example, if you've completed 3 quests in Whiterun the mod would say 3/13 quests completed in Whiterun.


I'm looking to complete all quests in Skyrim, however that's not easy to do with the vanilla way of tracking quests.


Just wondering if this is at all a possibility, I have no modding experience myself.


Thank you!

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The journal shows completed quests.

The problem with that would be that while it tells you which ones he's done, he's more interested in ones he hasn't done.


Anyway , it'd be relatively simple to a degree. It'd just be a matter of checking if certain stages of each non-repeatable quest are completed. The downside is that there are a LOT of quests. Making sure not to miss any could be tedious.

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The problem with the journal is that there's no order what so ever. All quests you've done are grouped together. I would like to see a mod that shows specifically, the total number of quests in each location.

So say there's 14 quests in Whiterun, after completing four of these quests the addon would show 4/14 completed quests. Just to make it easier to keep track of things.

That's just my two cents anyway. Was just tossing it out there to see if there was a mod already made, or if someone would be interested in making one.

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