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Hogwarts Legacy

Extracting sound/voice files


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Hello, I hope it is alright to make a request like this in here - I wasn't sure where else to ask.


I was wondering if someone might be kind enough to help me out by extracting/saving some of the voice files from Hogwarts Legacy. In particular, I am after the voice lines from the Floo Flame Lady (Ignatia Wildsmith). I believe she has maybe 5 or so really annoying/repetitive lines that she projects at you every time you walk past.


If anyone is able to help me out with this, it would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks :smile:

Edited by Aragog83
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She gets real old real fast. Fortunately this mod silences her completely. Just drop the z_Silencio_P.pak file inside a folder named ~mods so that it looks like this: Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods.



Thank you, w8m8l3tsm4st3rb8. I did see that mod and thought it was pretty great! She does get very annoying.


But perhaps my question wasn't worded properly. I don't want to get rid of the sounds from the game, I was wanting someone to help me extract/save them from the game so I can use them for a little craft project I'm working on. I actually want the voice files :)

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