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Hogwarts Legacy

Mod request: Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets PC game Music


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Ok I wanna start off with how amazing all these modders are! Coming up with stuff so fast its incredible to see what the mods will look like a year from now. I love this game so much, and the music is really well made. However. I turned off the music and played the old Harry potter chamber of secrets for PC soundtrack and walked around hogwarts legacy and it just added SO much magic to the game. Jeremy soule's Soundtrack is really well made, and he's such a great composer. He really captured that magical feeling. If someone could somehow come up with a tool to change the music in game or add The chamber of secrets for PC music to Hogwarts Legacy I feel like the immersive feeling would be heightened immensely. The magical feeling I got wondering the castle with Jeremy Soule's soundtrack playing in the background was so awesome! Not saying the original music is bad, but we can always improve things somehow right?

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Copyright problems.


A tool to change the music ourselves could get around that. Because then you can put any music you wanted in the game which could make endless possibilities. Skyrim has this as does Dragon age Origins and other games. And those tools are on the nexus

Edited by conan9898
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