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Hogwarts Legacy


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They're not children, they're teenagers... I'd love this mod. I'm roleplaying that my character is dating sebastian. She'll like walk beside him when he's pacing the school, or hang out a little longer after a quest together to get screen shots of them standing beside eachother. Its sweet, and its close enough but a mod to allow them to acompany you on your journey after the story would be nice. Now I dont think a student should be able to romance a professor, but another student should be fine. Ron and Hermiony dated, many students dated, it doesnt make sense that we couldnt have a relationship.


I dont want one, so not everyone wants one. I dont want to play a child romancing other children nor do I want a child seducing an adult.

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That would never happen as it would be against the Nexus TOS:

"Reference point - vanilla game: Often times the developers of a given game have set the standards themselves by deliberately taking measures to ensure child characters are not able to be sexualised. This may include but is often not limited to: The inability for child characters to partake in any “romance” quest, plotline, or otherwise activity that can be perceived as romantic or sexual"



"For the purpose of mods altering the appearance of child characters, it is, therefore, required that mod authors refrain from doing anything that would allow for measures such as those outlined above to be circumvented in one way or another: Child characters must not be made available for “romance” or “marriage” quests or similar"


As for the Nexus definition of a 'child':

A “child or child-like” character or NPC is defined as any character whose physical appearance or general characteristics gives sufficient reason to assume that they are a minor as defined by English law (under the age of 18), e.g - Canonically a child or child-like character in relation to the base game

As for why the Nexus bans content which portrays the activities usually partaken in by teenagers, which can be found in other games with teenagers, and in the Harry Potter movies themselves as portrayed by their teen actors, don't ask me, I wouldn't know.

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A “child or child-like” character or NPC is defined as any character whose physical appearance or general characteristics gives sufficient reason to assume that they are a minor as defined by English law (under the age of 18), e.g - Canonically a child or child-like character in relation to the base game

As for why the Nexus bans content which portrays the activities usually partaken in by teenagers, which can be found in other games with teenagers, and in the Harry Potter movies themselves as portrayed by their teen actors, don't ask me, I wouldn't know.

Yeah and we should ask why most mods for JRPG here on Nexus have not been banned already.

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It is a little over the top to say this is creepy. Romance is sex. The OP is not suggesting this. Flirting interaction that could develop into a "companion" on adventure can be done. Moreover, the movie had plenty of romance in it and at no time did they come close to sexual encounters.


On the flip side, you asking a modder who are typically under the age of responsibility to create a scenario that requires seasoned maturity. The coding would most likely be very labor intensive.

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