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Hogwarts Legacy

What happened to the yennefer(tw3) clothing mod?


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  On 2/20/2023 at 5:11 PM, showler said:

No, I just realized you were the one who made the stupid "enforcing puritan modesty laws" post. Which means you are still ranting about something after it was explained to you by Robin himself.

Yes, it was very stupid of me to express my bewilderment that one game should be handled with a different standard than that of any other game ( With either 'underage-looking' or 'canonically underage written' characters ) on the website and with harsher standards than even those applied in reality itself, on a forum created by Robin for users to give feedback or ask questions about the website and its management ( Including 'controversial' questions ).


And I am also guilty of giving the OP an accurate rundown of exactly why the Yennefer mod got removed. I also don't think you quite understand that I don't have to conform to all of Robin's opinions and champion them on the forums, only to acknowledge and follow his terms of use, which I do.


Are you finished?

Edited by VanyarElf
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Curious on this as well. Seems weird if it was removed while the Champions Leggings Mod still remains - I don't see any major difference (coverage wise) between them.

I just looked the mod over ingame, and honestly cannot see anything that could even be remotely considered 'unsuitable' for Nexus (when Champions Leggings Mod is considered acceptable)


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Champions leggings initially reshaped the body and was removed. It was re-uploaded and accepted after the author modified it to use the original body shape.


I'd assume, though I am not certain, that the Yennifer mod used the body shape of the Yennifer character in TW3 (an adult and highly sexualized character) rather than being modified to suit the shape of the HL characters.

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  On 2/20/2023 at 6:33 PM, showler said:

Champions leggings initially reshaped the body and was removed. It was re-uploaded and accepted after the author modified it to use the original body shape.


I'd assume, though I am not certain, that the Yennifer mod used the body shape of the Yennifer character in TW3 (an adult and highly sexualized character) rather than being modified to suit the shape of the HL characters.


Comparing it to vanilla gear, there are certainly some (very slight) edits to the model - it's really too bad if that was enough to get it removed.


Shame people who only use Nexus can't enjoy it; the modder really did a great job (and I don't blame them if they don't want to spend time adjusting it purely for Nexus).

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  On 2/20/2023 at 4:53 PM, showler said:

So what?


The site has rules. Authors agree to the rules when they join the site. One of the rules is that that Robin, who owns the site and has spent twenty years of his life making it what it is, gets to decline to host a mod if he has issues with it.


Why is that so hard to understand? You can upload the mod, then he can decline to host it and THAT'S IT. You don't get to re-upload it for whatever reasons you think are so important. Just take it elsewhere.

It isn't hard to understand, you're just missing the point entirely. When people do stupid things, other people will often remark that those things are stupid. Loudly exclaiming "but I have the right!!!!" isn't a very good response to someone who isn't questioning your legal right to do a thing, but simply saying that it's a foolish thing to do.


One would think that after a certain point, this constant pattern of only being able to justify and explain actions via non sequiturs about vague internet rights and catty blog posts might lead one to review whether their actions are actually sound in the first place. Even children grow out of their "because...just because!" phase.

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See, the thing is that Robin has repeatedly stated why he has these rules. Sometimes politely, sometimes with exasperation.


Yet, about once a year the Nexus will make a ruling that "we don't want to host this type of mod" and then we'll have to put up with months of people trying to make up silly reasons why they can't/shouldn't do that.


Many of these reasons are silly because the person is twisting logic into pretzels in order to support their claims. Like saying that the characters age doesn't matter because they are just pixels.


Many of these reasons are silly because they are obvious attempts to hide the persons racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/whatever. Usually their attempt to obfuscate their real reasons is absolutely laughably bad.


And many of these reasons seem to rely on some rando on the site trying to convince the owner of the site that his business policies are going to cause the site to go bankrupt (the absurd "go woke, go broke" argument). These arguments continue even as the site expands every year due to the owners policies and hard work.


Regardless of the reasons, it all adds up to an almost annual parade of people polluting the forums with their objections even after the site owner has made it clear that such objections are not welcome.


Which usually leads into a series of "my first amendment" posts, and those are a completely different type of silly.

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  On 2/20/2023 at 7:47 PM, showler said:

See, the thing is that Robin has repeatedly stated why he has these rules. Sometimes politely, sometimes with exasperation.


Yet, about once a year the Nexus will make a ruling that "we don't want to host this type of mod" and then we'll have to put up with months of people trying to make up silly reasons why they can't/shouldn't do that.


Many of these reasons are silly because the person is twisting logic into pretzels in order to support their claims. Like saying that the characters age doesn't matter because they are just pixels.


Many of these reasons are silly because they are obvious attempts to hide the persons racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/whatever. Usually their attempt to obfuscate their real reasons is absolutely laughably bad.


And many of these reasons seem to rely on some rando on the site trying to convince the owner of the site that his business policies are going to cause the site to go bankrupt (the absurd "go woke, go broke" argument). These arguments continue even as the site expands every year due to the owners policies and hard work.


Regardless of the reasons, it all adds up to an almost annual parade of people polluting the forums with their objections even after the site owner has made it clear that such objections are not welcome.


Which usually leads into a series of "my first amendment" posts, and those are a completely different type of silly.

Was Yennefer's outfit racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or "whatever"? In what way? Can you explain further? Did you find Yennefer's fully clothed, non-revealing outfit sexualized in some way? Can you explain that further?


You're correct that we have these sorts of posts every so often, as a result of vague and unknowable policies being unevenly applied, and explained with non sequitur rants about legal rights in reply to people who aren't discussing, mentioning, or even alluding to legal rights. I wish we had clearly defined and evenly applied policies that were logically sound enough that they could be defended on their merits, and not by posts where people incoherently rant about their perceived culture war enemies, or insane posts where they apply their mind reading powers to discover the nefarious "real reasons" that their dastardly enemies might upload an otherwise innocuous, modest outfit for a video game. Sadly, I don't think that's in the cards here.


As long as people are paying to use Nexus, and as long as Nexus makes questionable decisions, usually paired with unprofessional behavior, paying customers will continue to question. That isn't hard to understand, either.

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The Yennifer outfit, as I said earlier, appeared to stick the body of a fully grown and highly sexualized adult onto a fifteen year old student.


But, honestly, that doesn't matter. The rules of the site make it clear that the site owner/staff can make a decision, on a per-mod basis, whether or not they want to host a mod. If the problem repeats, they'll usually make it more clear what their standard is for that game.


But you don't get warnings or bans for posting the mod originally (unless you do something silly like use a sock puppet account or re-post a mod). It just gets removed and at that point you don't get to upload it again.


It would be very difficult for them to be specific about every single thing that is going to be unacceptable. And it would just increase the arguments and attempts to get around it.


So, it's really simple. If you upload a mod and they say "we don't want to host this" then you don't upload it again. And if you aren't the mod author then you aren't really involved at all.


As for "paying to use Nexus", Premium has a list of specific things it gets you and the "right to complain" isn't one of them. You don't have ANY ownership of this site so you don't get a say in the decisions.

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  On 2/20/2023 at 8:18 PM, showler said:

The Yennifer outfit, as I said earlier, appeared to stick the body of a fully grown and highly sexualized adult onto a fifteen year old student.


But, honestly, that doesn't matter. The rules of the site make it clear that the site owner/staff can make a decision, on a per-mod basis, whether or not they want to host a mod. If the problem repeats, they'll usually make it more clear what their standard is for that game.


But you don't get warnings or bans for posting the mod originally (unless you do something silly like use a sock puppet account or re-post a mod). It just gets removed and at that point you don't get to upload it again.


It would be very difficult for them to be specific about every single thing that is going to be unacceptable. And it would just increase the arguments and attempts to get around it.


So, it's really simple. If you upload a mod and they say "we don't want to host this" then you don't upload it again. And if you aren't the mod author then you aren't really involved at all.


As for "paying to use Nexus", Premium has a list of specific things it gets you and the "right to complain" isn't one of them. You don't have ANY ownership of this site so you don't get a say in the decisions.

Yes, you said that earlier. In what respect is she "highly sexualized" in a way that deviates from the game as it is currently sold? Is there a particular measurement? How was this determined? At the moment, it sounds like something you're just repeating without really thinking about it. Is it because Yennefer has breasts? I seem to recall having breasts at that age as well, something reflected in the player character's model in the game even without mods. That isn't "highly sexualized", that's "being a human female".


Yes, the rules make it clear that there are no rules beyond the moment to moment whims of the staff, you're correct. That's kind of the problem we're discussing, and the reason you see this conversation so many times here. When people with any amount of self esteem and capacity for critical thinking see nonsensical rules being applied unevenly, and especially when they're paired to unprofessional and belligerent behavior from the paid service provider, they tend to find that cause for complaint. No self respecting person needs a bullet point explicitly granting them the right to complain about a poor experience before they feel comfortable doing so. The idea that there are people who sincerely believe such a right needs to be explicitly granted to them in a terms of service is depressing.

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