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Death of Companion NPC


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I've been playing the game with one main Pc, and I Finished the Main game and the OA as well as Broken steel and I think I've run out of Companion Npcs.


Here is the way they have Died.


Jericho-My first Bought it fighting Bravely against a Deathclaw right at the spot where the medical Power armor is. The Deathclaw Swiped at him and he was thrown threw the air and hit the Rubble at the end of the tunnel. I assume he broke his neck. His body was there for along while I noticed tho now that the current date in my game is 2278 the body is gone. Perhaps the Deathclaws at it.


Star Paladin Cross-We had just fin fighting in the Corvega building, walking down a nearby cliff...She fell off it and fell to her death....Perhaps her power Armor ran out of power and she just stumbled and fell...it took me a while about 35mis But I finely found here body and was able to retrieve the items i had giving her.


Charon-well, what can I say he died recently at then end of Broken Steel. What a way to die. He was above me in the Enclave transport(I was 1 level down), we where both fighting and when I finally got up stairs I found 4 Enclave's solders where Hellfire armor, 2 in front and 2 behind him, he was dead but so where they.


I still have Fawks and Dogmeat tho I leave dogmeat at Megaton.

Are there any other Companions for a Good Track PC?


Now tell me how your Companions Died?

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Dogmeat got run over by a motorcycle while I was testing out a mod. :\ Silly thing teleported right infront of me and got hit.



Fawkes decided it was brilliant to charge headlong into an Enclave HellFire, then put his head RIGHT in the path of the M2 Browning(DMG: 529 per shot) I was using to clear them out. Needless to say, he went down with a resounding 'THUD'...

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  • 2 weeks later...

on my first run of the game, they died like so:


Dogmeat - tried to take on 4 super mutants with miniguns.


SPC - stood to close to a car that went nuclear.


Charon - ran infront of me as i was using VATS to blow up some guys with a missile launcher.


Jericho - decided to run into a room with 30 odd ghouls in (MMM mod).. thankfully he had a flamer so he took afew with him.


Fawkes - i blew his head off with the desert dragon pistol because the way he talks annoys me =p

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