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Land and building conflicts


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I'm having large problem, mostly in Balmora I think.

Follwing mods I have that I think are causing problems.


Balmore Expansion

khalazza land texture thingy.

Qarles Visual Pack XT

Also, forgot name, but it makes Balmora more lively by changing it's colours to white, black, jade and etc.

And um, Balmore unviersity also.

Problems is this.

Stand far away, appears I can walk into water, get near it suddenly turn into land.

Big Yellow sighs thingys with !!! Marks all over the place.. Some blocking doors so I can't get in. Some houses appear to be half smurge underground and can't get in due to it.


Any help, about what to get rid of or add, or ways to correct the problems, would be a lot of help.


Have yet to check any other towns or places, just Balmora



-edited- Sorry thought clicked the help forum so this is in wrong place, Mod. person care to move it please?

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1) The big yellow ! is what the game uses instead of the proper model when it can't find the mesh files. One of your plugins is installed wrong, and can't find the model files that it added.


2) You obviously have fatal conflicts between the plugins. Unless you want to do a ton of editing, you can not use all of them at the same time. Start removing them until you have a working game.

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Go to the folder where the plugin is and copy the meshes folder and into morowind data files. then there is a popup saying that every thing that have the same name will be ower writed. say yes and your problem is gone. Also do this with textures and icons folders!!!! :cool2:
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I now know why the yellow!!! are there, it's the window glow mod that is 'cause the problem. Should I reinstall it and then balmora expansion to correct it so it works properly? Or can I just reinstall the window glow?


As for the building disappearing, only way to fix that I think is to remove all Visual texture packs.. Two from Kalazza and one from Qarle.. Unless someone knows a way to get around that easly.. Or I could remove balmora expansion..


Hmm, which should be better to keep? Visual textures for MW or Balmora expansion..

Removing expansion I can add a few things still, by going and finding the mods it combines that I like. And not install any that conflict with Visual packs..

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  • 2 weeks later...

My only problem with lands and buildings is transparency. Windows have no transparency. Why making 3D shapes that do not reveal their insides? It is pointless! A merchant should be able to see you from outside a house or a thief could spy on his prey until the moment is right. These are simple rules of maths and adding transparency, even faked, should not be so difficult.


A good way should be to create a "cubic space" by making a simple mesh with no true color, like a portable hole, but this hole would have collision values. It would make that window look hollow but with an invisible barrier. Elfic glass is resistant and tough enough for armors, so, unbreakable under reasonnable forces of stress.


Does it sound great?

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The problem is that while Morrowind supports transparency, the interior and exterior cells are not loaded at the same time. From the outside, you'd see the back side of the two-dimensional walls, unless you wasted a ton of poly count on building an "interior". From the inside, you'd see just the inifinite empty space (and maybe horizon/water) around the static models. In theory, you could build a rough exterior to display outside it, but it would increase poly count a lot and wouldn't even display NPCs or outside weather conditions/time of day.
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