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Vortex: "Redundant Mods" popup during deployment


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So I'm just curious, is there a way to see that popup without vortex rolling some code dice and deciding to show it once in a blue moon, like one of those "periodic reminders"?


and yes, I'd post this at the vortex forum, but frankly, I haven't had the best success at getting answers there in the past, so my next best bet is other skyrim se players


Sorry no pic. I always forget to take a snapshot when those very very very very infrequent reminders pop up.

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Pickysaurus responds to pretty much every single question in that forum.


But you get weirdness like this question. That pop-up should appear every single time you deploy unless you've chosen the "don't show this warning again" option. So, how can you help someone with something that should not be happening in the manner they describe?

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I'm not here to debate the vortex forum, nor is it my intention (in any way whatsoever) to criticize Picklesaurus or anyone else at Nexus, I'm just posting this to the user forum to solve my issue quickly, which I've found in general s best served by asking others who use <insert thing>.


Whether it should or shouldn't force display (ie push a modal dialog to overlay Vortex) with every deployment (which it most assuredly does not do on my system, as I said, it's hit or miss) It should be available outside the deployment process, so a user can more patiently evaluate the issues it brings up, rather than effectively being rushed by an immediately suspended deployment, for one thing. But that's neither here nor there. My operative question was not why I posted here rather than there, it was "how do I get that to display on demand instead of being at the (figurative) whim of vortex to show **during** deployment


I appreciate your overall technical expertise on Skyrim, and I don't want to alienate you or anyone, but with all due respect, you clearly don't appear to have the answer to this one. My goal is not to play ":FIxRim" it's to solve any such problems as quickly as possible, rather than making it a new job, so I can play "SkyRim" with a relative minimum of work, albeit I don't expect zero work. But I can't "work" when I can't find the info I need to address. In a manner convenient to "work", rather than interposing a secondary tier of work prior to play. When I deploy a mod, (and in lieu of critical errors that halt the deployment) I expect to play immediately after said deployment, so I can evaluate the efficacy of the mod I just installed, and avoid problems with newly installed mods that don't agree with the other members of my my mod list.


And finally, since I wasn't all heart and flowers, I guess it should be said clearly, I'm a vortex fan. It's not as if I had a chip on my shoulder about the tool, like *some clearly do* from reading Skyrim fora for the past ~3 years. I like vortex, and I've been a proponent, not an adversary. But it's not "perfect" and it's not without flaws.

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Okay, sounds to me like Vortex is not 100% seeing updates, and adjusting things accordingly. It is a fault of Vortex I have run accross myself modding a number of games. I ran into this issue with Knights of the Old Republic, and my best workaround was to not use Vortex, and do it manually as I did way back when. However, redundant mods are typically updates, or additional content mods to an original mod. For example an armor mod that doesn't have bodyslide files for, and someone else made the bodyslide files for the mod. So, Vortex sees this as two distinct mods, and one will become redundant because of the way Vortex sees things. It will do it, also, with updates to mods. Anyway, the work around, well one workaround, is to install the two mods, or more, into one single name. And merge it all together inside that one folder. However, if the making of a "merge" mod in Vortex doesn't work, try making it outside of Vortex, and be sure that you remember the ID of the original mod, and use that as the reference for your new mod. This way, it may make things a bit easier to lessen redundancy errors in Vortex.

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Well it's not the end of the world. I wasn't even ranting, just asking for a way of opening the redundancy popup without having to run deployment and having to suspend the deployment while I'm examining the contents of said mod redundancy popup and evaluating which redundant mod or plugin instantiation should win precedence.


If it can't be seen without the extraneous falderal of deploying, then I'm fine with that too. (and yes, I'm aware that at the very end of the deployment processing, there's a small popup on the upper right that displays for about 5-10 seconds before disappearing, that notes redundancies exist and allows you to click on it if you address sit within that 5-10 second windows of opportunity, before it becomes unavailable until the next deployment cycle has been initiated and is wrapping up.


All I want to know is if it can be opened and evaluated independently of the deployment process, and if so, how. It's really that simple.

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Seriously: If the redundancy pop-up comes up when deploying, which it should do every time as long as the redundancy exists, it will disappear after about twenty seconds...but it will remain in the notification list which you can access from the bell icon.


As long as you don't dismiss it yourself it should still be there until you re-deploy or restart Vortex.


Question: if you go into the Settings/Interface tab and look at the "reset suppressed notifications" button, does it say if you are suppressing any?

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Your mod list can be opened independently and evaluated. Use Loot. It can be used in Vortex, and is the tool that I use even with Mod Organizer 2. It's a standalone tool. Should also tell you how to fix some problems with your mods. Wyre Bash also can look at your list, etc. But your best bet with a list of conflicts between several mods is to merge them all into one merged mod. There are a couple ways to do it. The one method is using Mator's Merge Plugin for XEdit. Then there is Mator's Merge Plugins. Just be sure to look for some instruction on how to make a merge mod with Vortex.

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