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Construction Set Help file

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So, as we all know, every new version of Windows breaks software that used to run fine on the old version, and Microsoft does not care. And yet, they somehow wonder why everyone doesn't rush to upgrade.


Some may ask, "why are you still using old software?"


The obvious answer is, "because it's awesome."


I recently installed Morrowind and the construction set after a decade long break. Everything is fine except one thing. When I try to access the help file in the construction set, Windows 10 tells me that it can't open the file type.


Does anyone know where I can find a different version, maybe a web based version or a PDF file?


Thanks in advance!

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Have you tried installing WinHlp32.exe?



The links WinHlp32.exe say they are specific to Windows 8. So I didn't try it.


I would assume that it wouldn't do something stupid like try to replace a file I need for something else with an older version. But I've seen dumb stuff like that happen before. I use this PC for a lot of important stuff, so I don't want to risk it.

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my win10 install survived it. but i won't take credit if yours doesn't xD

things you can do to be safe, backup your c: drive or fire up a VM


or look for tutorials to not need the cs help file and if it's script related, MWScriptingForDummies has basically everything.


you can also decompile it with https://www.helpscribble.com/decompiler.html


this will give you some bmp files and an RTF file


super easy,

download "helpdc21.zip"


copy TES Construction Set.hlp in the same folder

open CMD navigate to that folder and enter

helpdeco "TES Construction Set.hlp"



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