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What if the next Elder Scrolls game was based in a more modern era?


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I was thinking aout this the other day....


Maybe a little more modern... like with pirates like in Pirates of the Caribbean rather than be based on the medieval and roman times like the previous ones


The pirates were not that much more evolved.... other than having guns, cannons, etc...


Or maybe with a Victorian setting, 1800's? It would seem more immersive in my opinion rather than it be the same every century



I have seen people say on other forums that the people of the Elder Scrolls wouldn't need guns or cannons , etc as they have magic....



But maybe not everyone can use magic..... or are interested in magic. Aren't the Nords that way inclined anyway?



Just a thought lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a thought.... That would be weird, though; a total departure from Elder Scrolls tradition and lore. I don't know. I feel like it would be appealing to people for whom TESVI is their first Elder Scrolls game, but for more long term ES fans, it would be a very strange experience. I'd still buy it though.

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If you want to play at "Pirates" get one of the many Pirate games.

In my opinion ES should stay in the Myth and Magic era., Guns and Magic (ES style) just don't mix well for me.


There are already several good "Pirate " games out there and I play/ed a couple and like them but they are a totally different concept.

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It will never happen the lore and the world for elder scrolls is not like that. Its like trying to add nukes, blackhawks and 50cals to lord of the rings or Conan both in a world witch never recognized in their lore. The closest thing in TES would be the Dwemer witch was an extremely advance culture. Theirs pirates in TES I believe Redguard was a spin off around that also they had a few in oblivion at the imperial harbor. Looking at the TES time line it seems like they were more advance in the early centuries for example when the Dwemer inhabited the land. Thats not too far off from are own history look at the dark ages when advancement actually went backwards.

Edited by Bloodinfested
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I would have to agree with some of the above posts, if you want guns play Fallout as for cannons and pirates there is a few good games in that area, nice idea though... i would like to see the Dwemer return in the next TES no idea how or why but i just want to see them. so maybe go backwards in time instead of forwards? which in my opinion would rock!! XD

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Well, Bethesda did make a game that was sort of a mix of some TES ideas and a Victorian setting. It's called Dishonored. I'm sure they can make a sequel to that one, if enough people want that kind of thing.


Plus Fallout 3 has been called "Oblivion with guns" back in the day, and I'm sure they're planning a sequel to that one sooner or later.


No need to drag the TES series itself into another age, IMHO.

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Gunpowder era there be a lot of clicking triggers & dodge based on how clumsy the applied science init, not good.


Best era is where technology level still very low, where a wooden club ownage in human endeavour & ragdoll physic's comes in multitude of flavours.

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