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Delta Force: Black Hawk Down


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Did anyone ever play this game? I loved the Delta Force series for it's vast multiplayer maps that really favourite patient sniping and camo-skills rather than gun blazing, don't care if I die tactics. BHD was exactly the same. Lacked the graphics or good single-player..but the MP was so fun.
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i think some game developers have numbed themselves into thinking that a game where key features listed on the back of the box include "drag injured allies to safety" and "avoid machine gun fire" or whatever are okay.


Its one thing to make a game, even if you are killing people and another to base it on real events that did not happen very long ago. If I was a war vet, maybe involved in the "black hawk down" incident I would have to say that I would be pissed walking around fred meyer and seeing a game that allowed people to play through my horrible, life altering experiences. My two cents.

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So basically all WW2 games, Vietnam games, recent war strategy games should be stopped -- oh, and lets get rid of GTA aswell since lots of people have lost relatives to drug lords. Infact, lets git rid of Morrowind since it has magic in it and the Christians may think it has links to the ocult! Lets play the appease everyone game!
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