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Hogwarts Legacy

anyone know the name of meme mod that makes professor garlick nakey?


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i noticed quite a few of the garlick crushing memes online often depict a mod that makes her full "hot coffee" mode lol, and i really wanted to check it out for the lawls.

but i cant find it on nexus for some reason. its possible its just not called "garlick" so cant be searched for. does anyone know the official name tho?

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Nexus is being super strict with this game, you'll have to look on a different mod site or go asking on one of the discords.

oh thats super weird considering games like skyrim have full on R rated mods on here lol specially since hogwarts legacy isnt a kids game. thanks for info tho!

Edited by humankillerz
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It's a game full of kids

what does that have to do with professor garlick? lol. you must be the type of person that complains that all the kids are getting drunk on butterbeer cuz its an alcoholic beverage lol. in real life this isnt a kids game. literally all harry potter fans are ages 28 to 40 now. thats the only age range of people buying this game. im sure you would complain about that too xD

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It's a game full of kids

what does that have to do with professor garlick? lol. you must be the type of person that complains that all the kids are getting drunk on butterbeer cuz its an alcoholic beverage lol. in real life this isnt a kids game. literally all harry potter fans are ages 28 to 40 now. thats the only age range of people buying this game. im sure you would complain about that too xD


No, he's just pointing out that the game portrays MOSTLY children aged characters and it's disturbing with all calls for nude mods. Doesn't your parole forbid you from playing video games with child characters? Keep posting though, I'm sure it's getting someone's attention. Your lack of grammar and spelling is refreshing as well. Drugs will do that to you.

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Nah, they're right. All HP books ceased to exist right after the first group of fans bought them, so no new younger fans will ever exist.


It's like how all the people who have read Sherlock Holmes stories are at least 110 years old.

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No, he's just pointing out that the game portrays MOSTLY children aged characters and it's disturbing with all calls for nude mods. Doesn't your parole forbid you from playing video games with child characters? Keep posting though, I'm sure it's getting someone's attention. Your lack of grammar and spelling is refreshing as well. Drugs will do that to you.

you do know professor garlick is literally 26 years old right? you are just saying non-sense to fit your personal agenda. i reported you tho. so enjoy your ban


not to mention you know the professor garlick mod is already made right? there are meme videos all over facebook and youtube with people playing with it. i just assumed it was on nexus and i couldnt find it so i asked if anyone knew its name.


plus do you think npc's in the game have real eyes and can look at other npc's? i promise you no npc is going to look at garlick with eyes lol if you believe that then you are welcome to go on youtube and report every account that used the garlick mod if you want.

Edited by humankillerz
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