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How do I crate a video clip?


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So.... I see people posting videos to support their troubleshooting all the time. I don't know how. Pointers?

(easy method best). Somehow I don't think that using my smartphone is the right approach.


And yes, I'm that naive about *this* topic. I'm not dumb, but I have no experience making videos of any sort (even on my smartphone, to be brutally honest)

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Recording in-game video (or whatever is happening on your screen): Fraps

Once you got the captured footage, you at least need to trim it to include just the parts you want to share, and export it, typically is mpeg4 format.

I have full Adobe sub, so I use Premiere for all my video needs, but for simple stuff, there is a selection of free video editors available.

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Ok just a quick follow-up.


Got it sorted out (chose the inbuilt windows method for now out of pure laziness) and made a couple short clips for myself, to burn the Record/stop hotkey into memory for when I actually need it later on. All this time and I had no idea how easy it is. Lol. Woof, old dog learns new trick.


Thanks again for the input.

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