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Raiders are bugs!


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I've been playing Fallout 4 a long time now, and i've seen many bugs, glitches and all manner of weirdness, but this takes the cake. Most raiders are like this, and i haven't the foggiest as to why. So far, i've only seen raiders like this, not gunners. Raiders have been turned into roaches.

Edited by Astor1977
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Actors being turned into roaches is afaik the default way of the game to handle actors who either have a higher level than the zone they're supposed to spawn in or if something else goes wrong with them spawning properly. I would check if mods somehow alter their leveled lists or certain encounter zones/locations.
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Actors being turned into roaches is afaik the default way of the game to handle actors who either have a higher level than the zone they're supposed to spawn in or if something else goes wrong with them spawning properly. I would check if mods somehow alter their leveled lists or certain encounter zones/locations.


Thanks for the advice, i'll definitely look into that.

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