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One hand melee weapons using chinese officer sword animations


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I am not able to find any other post on the matter, making this more than likely an isolated issue, however I am at a loss for what the possible causes are. I have validated game files multiple times to no avail, and I can't figure it out. Weapons such as the combat knife use the "ready", "block" and "sprinting" animations from the chinese officer sword, but use the normal knife (Or baton for that weapon family) attack and idle animations. If anyone has any insight or solutions, please let me know.

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Way to many to list, images wouldn't do any justice. there are a couple i've suspected however such as the Unarmed Gameplay Overhaul mod, the Kicks And Punches mod, and the Non-Lethal Armory mod. I'll need to keep looking, but those are what come to mind as possible problems. I was mainly wondering if there were any known causes to look out for

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