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Shmoked - BANNED

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Shmoked banned





theres plenty of good m,od companies out there this one just so happens to make you shell out 7$ for a premium because it makes them money buncha scum, i'll stick to R2Modman and nexus can hold my f***ing nut's s*** COMPANY. f***ing 7 $ for you lowlives to UNCAP my internet suck every fiber of my balls you scum. manage the community underneath my scrotum. f*** your premium. and f*** your service i hope your server room burns down and your left with nothing but the shell of what you have created. driving home the stereotype that companies are s***, imagine knowing yuor community spends thousands of dollars to play modded, JUST TO CAP THEM FOR A MEASLEY 7$,


Unhinged, deranged rant.

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