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Fort Death - Player owned fort with unique capabilities


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Hmm.. Well, i already have to build another room, might as well add a secret passage. Ya, sure, i will build a secret passage.. i hope.. i will see how time goes by, first i have to get done the essentials, and if those go by quick i will. But umm.. you will LOVE the secrets already here.
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500th post made! Woot.


We have decided to take a bit longer than expected, as we have come out with brilliant new ideas and want to apply them. Sorry for the delay.

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We have added a few more rooms, and edited many significantly. Currently we are running into more and more ideas, and are getting more and more excited by the fact that each one, no matter how insane and impossible, works.


Do not expect this to be done tomarrow, although its POSSIBLE, we just keep getting more and mroe to add. This may take a few more days, or even a week, depending on when my mind says that everything is now good enough for upload.

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Ok i am going to keep an updates progress checked on the main post, hopefully this will satisfy the eager. Sorry this is taking so long, we just keep getting new ideas!
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ok vicICE has to take a two week leave or more because he has quite a bit of college to finish, and doesnt have the time. Even if he insisted i wont let him, but thank god thats not the matter here.


Since he is leaving for a while, the project will not be able to be released until he gets back, so that means that this project, upon release, will be MUCH bigger than i even intended it to be. Sorry i keep calling it a project lol, when its actually just being made to give me experience for a project.


Anyways, i will continue to update the thread, but again i say this mod will not be released for a while but it will grow.


I am mostly the designer for the project, and i put things together. He does something that is just as important if not more, make everything functional. Without him, all i can do is 'make' the mod, he is the one that makes it 'work.'


So.. since i have a LOT more free time, this project is open to suggestions with almost no restriction so long as it pertains to the mod. Tell me what you want in it, and hell, i may just put it in just to kill time.

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not double post, triple post or quadruple post... but Quintuple post by ranokoa o.o


It seems like a cool mod and lots of fun, but still, that's a lot of post bumping..

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oh crud your right.. Sorry about that, i got too used to chatting with vicICE on this mod in Project Oblivions forums in the admin chat.. thats umm.. pretty much as we do.. we are the only 2 admins there that are active enough to use it.. Ill make sure to just edit this one instead unless its a responce to someone else. Geez lol i really am normally careful about anything like that, just had like 4 hours of sleep for the last 2 days because ive been up ALL day and ALL night modding this... literally. ive put in over 65 hours into this mod. No joke, i started counting about 2 hours in but i wasnt sure so i didnt include those hours.


Ya, anyways, this mod is getting pretty much big. So, its now going to include a dungeon, torture chamber and execution chamber. Considering that the last two rooms are there i guess you can guess you are now able to imprison people in your dungeon, which is part of the fort, but a seperate room.


Ok, since i am planning on adding guards to the thing, i have this vague idea in mind:

You have to PURCHASE the guards or something like that, or earn them or something. Idk. But anyways, the guards aren't free, and they really dont do anything useful aside from add immersion. Its a pretty big dungeon.. needs guards.. Anyways, i want yall to shoot me your ideas on what the player should do to EARN the right in order to PURCHASE the guards. Yes, this is going to be a quest.

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Sorry for the lack of updates recently, i was kind of unable to do ANY modding or even be near a computer for 2 days. Im back now and at full speed,. Suggestions to new updates are more than likely to be read and taken. Seriously, im getting SO little suggestions from anyone. I want peoples opinions and suggestions :) Although i originally made the mod for me, now i want to make it for the player, YOU.
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I'll try to post every once in a while, before this becomes a Ranokoa-topic again :).


K, to clarify all a little bit. He has a Fort, named Fort Death. What you can find in there is obvious....

Now were thinking of adding another dungeon, in a cave way... there are enough dungeons inside already...

But we want to have some surprises down there....So any suggestions ?


We got some already..but no ideas will guess the ones we already have..


So, what do you want in a cave as a challenge? Give your ideas!

What have you seen before, but could be done much better instead?

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