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changing races


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I'm still not getting my point across so i'll try again, my race (khajiit) has some spells, like night eye, when i use the code enableracemenu and change to dark elf, i still have night eye and other spells insted of my race spells.


Yea, there is a way, use enablebirthmenu. a warning: it deletes ALL of your spells and just gives you the race ones, if that's what you mean. if you want to change stats as in skills ,easiest way is set(stat) (#)


That command will erase your old spells and replace them with the default racial ones. But you will lose any spells you have bought, and will have to replace them as I explained above.

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There is a mod that put a Kajiit in the Balmora Mages Guild. You talk to him/her (cant remember) and it enables the chargen menu again so everything that you told to the guard on the docks and the funny-sounding annoying guy where you got your papers, can be changed. But I believe you keep all your stuff in your inventory and spells. Not positive. You can also change your skills. I suggest looking at this before re-starting unless you already did.
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