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Wrye Bash messes up Load Order


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Take a look in the right click context menu while on the Mods tab and set Lock Load Order to Off (right click at the top of the File column, find Lock Load Order and make sure there is no tick mark).


You can then use whatever you want to sort your load order and when you start Wrye Bash it will leave your load order alone (I'm assuming you just want it for a bashed patch).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I managed to lock myself out, but yes I use BOSS to order the list and Wrye to do the Bash patch.


Mostly in response to your Mod Detective query ... to create a new user rule in BOSS you start BOSS via the BOSS GUI (I have a desktop shortcut that points to G:\Games\BOSS\BOSS GUI.exe ... note that I'm using BOSS version 2.30 so BOSS GUI.exe does not have an underscore in the file name whereas in version 2.3.2 it's boss_gui.exe).


Next click the Edit User Rules button and then Create New Rule down at the bottom left. Fill in the file name of the ESP you're working on and then select whether to sort above or below an existing ESP that has been either sorted by BOSS via the masterlist or a previously defined User Rule. To finish click either Save Edited Rule (if you are changing an existing User Rule) or Save and Exit for a new rule.

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