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buddahlicksballs - BANNED


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Now I know im rather new to Nexus and dont really post to much but i feel that we should keep the blame where it belongs, which is on this buddahlicks***** guy, not at each other. im sure UK47 was just refering to the fact that the local athorities will do nothing do to internet laws. the joke is not at your expense. true this is sad that people have nothing better to do than make others unhappy. Truly SAD. But anyways we should stick together rather than fight each other.



Eternal Vigilance is the Price for freedom



"Maybe I did well and maybe I led the battle but nobody ever said we were going to win this thing at any point in time. Eternal vigilance is required and there have to be people who step up to the plate, who believe in liberty, and who are willing to fight for it." -- Milton Friedman

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its unfortunate that there is not much we can do but ban those who disrespect each other and the forum. I wish there was a better way. :wallbash: Just know those of you who do report people are doing a service to the forum, big thumbs up and a job well done to those of you that police the board for us so that we may remain safe. :biggrin: :biggrin: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: so i guess we all must do our part watching and waiting for the right time.



karma is real and full circle, and those who challenge us, karma will come back to them

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OOOOOPS, this should have autolocked.


Anyway, a little cleanup and it is now closed.


If someone is serious about causing problems they will find a way, but continuing to do so. Shows a blatant disregard for the rules of the sites and forums and a disregard for the standards of the community in general.


You cannot pick and choose which rules apply, we are all expected to follow them all.


We all make mistakes, this is accepted....willful disruption is another matter entirely.



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His laughable attempts at attention only prove his obvious mental-age defecit and irrelevance to this community. He'll keep coming and we'll keep banning him, happy in the knowledge it takes him 100x more effort to do what he's doing than it does for us to remove all his posts and ban him, which is a 2 button click affair for us.
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