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Help a noob out :'( (again!)


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:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

hey guys, i have another question, that mod that i downloaded and tried jacked my oblivion up, i lost all the saves and had to reinstall, now, i backed up all the saves, but when i created a saves folder for the new oblivion folder, and copied them all into it, they still wont show up when i open the "load" window, pls help me, thanks again :thanks:

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:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

hey guys, i have another question, that mod that i downloaded and tried jacked my oblivion up, i lost all the saves and had to reinstall, now, i backed up all the saves, but when i created a saves folder for the new oblivion folder, and copied them all into it, they still wont show up when i open the "load" window, pls help me, thanks again :thanks:


start with a new character before putting your old saves back in. I think it is important that oblivion makes the saves folder.

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jefe323 is right.


When you first start Oblivion, make a save. That sets the location of the saves as well as a lot of other things. Then copy your saves into the folder it creates. If you create the folder before Oblivion starts, Oblivion doesn't know where it is.

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Hey guys, all wrong i am sure, a bit,

Save with a new game, thaat makes the save folder in your document folder,

If you have xp it should go likethis,

C - Users - USERNAME - Documents - My games - Oblvion - Saves : Put your saves there.


If it helped then no worries, if it doesnt, i will bash my brain out

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@eXoduis that path works for vista, but not for XP. By allowing Oblivion to create the folder, then finding the folder it created it will work in either XP or Vista (or Win7 which is the same as Vista)


The path in XP is C:\documents and settings\user name\my documents\my games\oblivion


Oblivion also creates the Oblivion.ini file here and sets many variables on that first save.

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