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Should Drugs Be Legalized?


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Real drugs ? BIG NO


There's something called "safe drugs". Some people says it's the same experience with drugs. I haven't tried this, and I don't recommend you to do so. But it's still better than real drugs


Try this keywords on search engines : astral projection and lucid dreaming.


Remember, if you think that were trash, lies, junk, there's no such thing, or something else, well remember I don't say it worked or something.


I'll just found this in the internet.


"Michael Jackson MAY have drug overdose . And look what happened to the King of Pop ! A simple no to drugs, will be my answer."

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simply NO. Drugs affect your organism , especially your brain :closedeyes:

However , legalizing drugs might lower down using rate , because there are people that consider that "it's cool to do illegal stuff".


@Ancient Aeon : astral projection and lucid dreaming are not drugs. They are natural abilities that everyone have , and can't be developed with a special training ;).

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I know at one time drugs where legal but I dont believe they where considered moral then or now. Maybe the drug culture was so small it wasnt considered a threat to society. I agree that drugs laws are enforced with racial prejudice and if they where born from that it still is an issue of morality first, and minorities are just an easy target. I wont deny that drugs are a threat to mankind as obviously it destroys many lives. But people seem to need something other than reality to cope with reality, I'll call it spirituality, some use religion, meditation, exercise, some use drugs. I think a feeling of high is a real need people are hungry for like sex, this need is in all cultures and spans all our history and has nothing to do with being cool. It should be looked at honestly and with an open mind if we ever truly hope to help people. A war on drugs is a war on mankind. I've heard that the international drug trade makes more money than all the car manufacturers combined ( I bet they have good lobbyist) , eventually we will run out of money and prison space to keep fighting it and be forced to look it in the eyes. I dont have the answer but I know we'll never find the truth by lying to ourselves.
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Wow! First post and its on this thread!



Anyway, as someone watching from the sidelines of all this, I think that the conversation in hand is way to bias to be a real argument...


If you think about it, who is giving in this argument? (The whole drug legalization argument, not this specific one)

There is the junkies who want it legalized so that they can finally smoke their stuff without any being busted by the cops and such; and as such, will believe and hype any point they hear that might sound like it would make marijuana or any drug sound beneficial in any way...


And then there are the people who want it to stay illegal, and as the same as the junkies, might just hype any point they hear to make any drug sound insanely bad for you, or anything in that matter...


Unless we can get a real unbias side of it, there is no real argument, just two sides whining about the other!

(And for the junkies who say "oh but wait! This group did a study on this drug". Do you honestly believe that any group would go out of their way to study something that gives you that "happy feeling" inside? I can understand studying them to see if they have any cancerous properties, but other then that, any "group" that say they will "study" the drug, obviously just want an excuse to do it themselves...





I in no way say that my little post here is that bias opinion we need...

I for one truly believe that all drugs should stay illegal. Any other drug other then marijuana is honestly not even in most of the arguments anyway. Marijuana is something that every person is going to have to deal with eventually in their life (knowing from first hand experience, going into sophmore year). We all just have to make the choice, and if chosen to actually do the drug, then make the choice whether or not to stop.




Honestly, if people had better, bias education towards drugs, it wouldnt be much of a problem

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There is the junkies who want it legalized so that they can finally smoke their stuff without any being busted by the cops and such; and as such, will believe and hype any point they hear that might sound like it would make marijuana or any drug sound beneficial in any way...

This is a very uninformed view. I don't smoke, never have, never will, even if it is legalized, I take offense to this narrow view, and am by no means alone in this. Legalization comes with many other benefits, which have been described already in detail, other than just allowing people to get their fix without being locked away for 5-10 years (although that right there is one of them).


Honestly, if people had better, bias education towards drugs, it wouldnt be much of a problem

I think you mean unbiased. And really, most drug education is unbiased since it is working off indisputable facts about using those drugs. And most drugs WILL screw you up really bad, even if you only use some of them a couple times. Medicinal uses for marijuana however, are valid despite how some might decide to frame the studies. While yes, there are some who do it just to get high, there are others which use it to help live with complications from other diseases and treatments.


The problem comes in when drug education talks about marijuana as being a gateway drug. For every junkie who started with pot and moved onto crack, there are dozens of others who try pot, and stick to pot. The gateway theory doesn't hold water, and actually, by making pot non-illegal, and non-criminal, people who smoke it won't be dealing with those who would be selling other drugs, and would not be going to prison where most drug usage really starts. Marijuana is not a gateway to other drugs, but going to prison sure is.

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While I am sorry for meaning any offense to you or anyone else, my position still stands.


And with the matter of the gateway drug; its all about how you look at it. On one hand, people using marijuana for the high will most likely want a greater or longer high at one point in the time theyre using the drug. So, in order to obtain that greater high, they will stoop to using much more dangerous drugs such as acid or cocaine.


While on the other, people using marijuana and stick to it are a point against the theory. Its these people who, although making the choice to do the drug in the first place, still make the right choice in that circumstance and decide not to delve deeper.


Still, you cant use the prison thing as an example, because its up to the people in prison to buy and use these drugs are not. If someone is in prison for possesion or selling, its up to him/her to whether or not to make the mistake again and do it in prison.






Honestly, if people wouldnt overuse these drugs, im sure they would be legal. But since there are people out there (I dont mean any offense to anyone on this) who abuse these drugs and will countinue to do so, there isnt much hope for that.

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There was someone who said that mariujana (did I spell that right? o.O) was a plant made by god etc. Well, snake poison is ALSO made by god, but that doesn't mean that you drink it, right?

I think drugs should NEVER be legalized, with a few exceptions (like in medicine).

Not a long time ago, I read an interview about Jack Black. He said that he once tried to use drugs, but luckily he didn't like it. So, now that he quit using drugs, LOOK AT HIM NOW! A major comedian, famous, rich! and what would happen if he DID like the drugs, and kept using them? He would be a beggar-junkie (no offence), living on the streets, and every single coin he would use on drugs.

Besides, those who have seen the movie "Pulp Fiction", do you remember what happened to that woman who was taking those stripes? She almost died. What can happen in real life.

Besides, EVEN if drugs were allowed and kind of "normal" in our lives, don't you think it's like DISGUSTING looking at people who sniff in those things while you're watching?

Just, don't take drugs, Ok?

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we should in no way legalize drugs. you really think people are going to be responsible enough to use drugs in moderation? no were gonna have a large amount of junkies who do not do ANYTHING with there lives but think that everyone owes them something.


I disagree. Where I live it is very easy to get cannabis, despite it being illegal. However I have never seen a junkie in my town ever. And I don't get the last bit either.


I think that if it was legalised younger people would be less likely to take marijuana because as everyone knows, if you tell someone not to do something, they want to do it.


I doubt that legalizing cannabis would make any difference other than raising the price of it; the people who want to take it can do easily anyway.


Cannabis itself isn't addictive, however the high produced can be to some people, and you have to take it quite regularly to become addicted. Comparatively, it's about as addictive as alcohol is.

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