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Should Drugs Be Legalized?


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we should in no way legalize drugs. you really think people are going to be responsible enough to use drugs in moderation? no were gonna have a large amount of junkies who do not do ANYTHING with there lives but think that everyone owes them something.


I disagree. Where I live it is very easy to get cannabis, despite it being illegal. However I have never seen a junkie in my town ever. And I don't get the last bit either.


I think that if it was legalised younger people would be less likely to take marijuana because as everyone knows, if you tell someone not to do something, they want to do it.


I doubt that legalizing cannabis would make any difference other than raising the price of it; the people who want to take it can do easily anyway.


Cannabis itself isn't addictive, however the high produced can be to some people, and you have to take it quite regularly to become addicted. Comparatively, it's about as addictive as alcohol is.


Just because where you live there isnt any junkies, doesnt mean there arent any in wherever country you live. Legalizing it would also make younger people want to try it more in excess, since before they couldnt do it, but now they are at liberty to try it and not have any consequences against it.


And legalizing it would have a much more greater impact then people just slapping a tax on it, good or bad. People will be able to obtain it much more easily and in greater quantity. Also, more people will likely become addicted on the high, and countinue to nothing more then smoke it and smoke it, abusing it to no end.


On the other hand, crime would most likely be at a major low. And most of the drug trafficing would likely disappear, although I doubt the drug lords will just quit there jobs, and probably will become public and spread his/her influence throughout the country. And, it will definitly take send our economy sky-rocketing upwards. All that marijuana taxed will be a gold mine.



Honestly, the pros and cons almost out weigh themselves. Its all up to personal views and scientific fact as to whether or not to go pro or con. I in no way do drugs and never plan to, but I realize that its something that we will have to face eventually so...

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The most common problem with that type of enquetes is people take what they think it should be for what it would be. History is full of examples, all kind of repression brings resistence and revolt. Like antismoking educative campaigns has shown, that's the way to go.


It shoud not be the question: Should drugs be legalized? it should be: Should drugs be marginalized?


Both sides already did give arguments pro and con, most sound arguments, which just shows no side is absolutely right or absolutely wrong.


My own opinion is based on constatation, no good was done when alcohol was ilegalized, indeed it was one of the biggest factors to elevate crime to the 'organizated' category. The same recurs, now with the drug trafic, wich the ilegalization is the main maintainer.


Yes, junkers and drunks exist, but alcohol is 'legal' and I fail to see where the society collapsed because it, at least no more I can see how it derrailed when it was 'ilegal'.


Well, it's nothing that was not said already, in this very thread. So I just repeat: it's not about legalization, drug is not a good thing, but it's not worse than the troubles marginaliing it brings up.


And so my question (again) is: Should drugs be ilegal?


In Time: If you don't perceive the differences in the questions, you don't know the meaning of freedom, rights and duties.

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  • 1 month later...

Let me just add a few lines to this topic ...


... some of you say that weed is addictive. It has been proven that THC is not physically addictive, can however if consumed regularly lead to mental addiction. This type of addiction can work with ANYthing. If you have a cup of tea before going to bed for 3 years youll get "addicted". If you always leave the music on when you go to bed to sleep better, after a couple of years you wont be able to sleep normally without music.


The fact that weed kills braincells is of course true. however so does alcohol and many more things we might not even know about.


Now to my third point. A person that is high has a much better chance of surviving in our modern society than a drunk person. I know guys here that smoke like 20 joints a day and still go to university (one of the best universities in Europe). Someone that drinks 20 bottles of beer a day and is drunk all the time (an alcoholic) would never survive highschool let alone university. And with Switzerland having one of the highest education levels even with like 20% - 30% of its population smoking weed proves my point.


However, weed is not harmless and its effects should not be underestimated. I guess its just like alcohol. So if youre saying it should be legal because alcohol is too, youre wrong. In our society today alcohol would no longer be legalized. But since it has been in our culture and traditions we are no longer able to illegalize it.


Positive things about legalizing weed:


- The Black Market (might be the wrong word??) would dissapear.

- The gouvernement could earn money with taxing weed and the governement could also control the THC concentration in the weed (one of the big problems because today the indoor weed is much too potent)

- The Governement could start getting actual facts about the drug( today studies are either financed by people that are pro or against ... both lead to wrong facts)

-The Governement could much better try to protect under aged kids from getting the drug




Sources: My own expirience ... been smoking weed for 2 years... not much ... but from time to time (1 joint a week or so) ...

Oh and I study maths :)

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Let me just add a few lines to this topic ...


... some of you say that weed is addictive. It has been proven that THC is not physically addictive, can however if consumed regularly lead to mental addiction. This type of addiction can work with ANYthing. If you have a cup of tea before going to bed for 3 years youll get "addicted". If you always leave the music on when you go to bed to sleep better, after a couple of years you wont be able to sleep normally without music.


This has always been my argument. Anything can be addictive. Hell, even video games are addictive. That's why most of us are on this site. Addiction is no reason to make something illegal.



The fact that weed kills braincells is of course true. however so does alcohol and many more things we might not even know about.


There has been no real scientific study to support that Marijuana kills brain cells. That is a myth that has been around for decades. The same thing goes for alcohol. Alcohol doesn't kill brain cells. It temporarily damages them so they struggle to send messages from one cell to another.



Now to my third point. A person that is high has a much better chance of surviving in our modern society than a drunk person. I know guys here that smoke like 20 joints a day and still go to university (one of the best universities in Europe). Someone that drinks 20 bottles of beer a day and is drunk all the time (an alcoholic) would never survive highschool let alone university. And with Switzerland having one of the highest education levels even with like 20% - 30% of its population smoking weed proves my point.


Pretty true. Marijuana affects people in a much less serious way. People don't get angry on weed. They don't beat their family when they are high. And as far as I can tell people don't commit suicide while high on weed.



However, weed is not harmless and its effects should not be underestimated. I guess its just like alcohol. So if youre saying it should be legal because alcohol is too, youre wrong. In our society today alcohol would no longer be legalized. But since it has been in our culture and traditions we are no longer able to illegalize it.


They tried to make alcoho illegall in the 20's in the US, but it was a complete and total disaster. It is a factor in why our crime rate is so high these days. Prohibition invited all sorts of crime organizations to the US. Many people theorize that if Marijuana was made legal than all crime involving Marijuana would be reduced. And of course there is the billions of dollars that we(US) spend on the endless and war on drugs. We have spend over 12 billion dollars this year alone. That is money that could be going to fund things like education.

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If weed was legal I wouldn't play as much videogames or get that much into schoolfights, i'd take care of my LEGAL marijauana crops openly rather then in the privacy of the garden of a neighbors abandoned house, I would roll joints with friends, I would no longer socially be looked down at as a junky, I would make it a social activity where I live and I would share a joint with my biggest enemy because I will have enough to give away to everybody, I would implement it into cookings and I would somehow convince my mother into accepting it and perhaps giving it a go why not? it even tastes awesome! I would wear clothes made out of hemp rather then cotton and I would use marijuana oils as lotion and so on so on! And apart from marijuana I would legally make LSA if not LSD, I would mass manufacture it in pills and blotters, combine it with pure THC extracions of marijuana, even make other drugs out of it, I would no longer depend on High pressure sodium lamps and waste money on electricity and be afraid of having my stash revealed, I would do it openly with pride, I would go out there and smoke a bong out in the open and perhaps invite that cop that nearly revealed my stash to the police department and had me go to jail, I would enjoy every drop of THC everything I would die happily and have my corpse burnt and have my ashes mixed with soil to plant marijuana in it, I will be the weed man!
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I'm just bumping in my two cents here.


I think Legalizing Marijuana is a good idea for America and the world.


Think about it for a moment. Alcohol is a depressant chemical, and Marijuana is a relaxant. Where alcoholics damage their livers, minds, and other parts of the body with their addiction, when a Marijuana "Addiction" (As it's not a physical dependency) simply leads to use of more pot.


Sure it slows your reactions and makes your mind feel a bit too happy, but Alcohol slows your reactions and judgement and makes you one of 3 things. Angry, horny, or sleepy.


If it was properly regulated with applicable laws, it would be a wonderful addition to society.


Something could be done in law that states, similar to alcohol, that you may not consume (Smoke) in public except in designated acceptable areas (Cannabis Bar anyone?).


And of course being caught with a joint behind the wheel would be a DUII/DWI. It slows your reactions considerably, making you almost as likely to side-swipe a group of kids crossing the street or miss hitting the brakes at that stop light as when drunk. But Cannabis doesn't distort your vision or blur your judgment.


I'm happy that Tobacco is being phased out. But society will need a new "In Thing" to fall back on.


Also, studies have been made on the addictive properties of THC. The CHEMICAL/PHYSICAL addiction rate is lower than that of caffeine. Now don't tell me you're going to outlaw something that's less addictive than your favorite soft drink now? And don't you DARE tell me you don't enjoy coffee or tea on occasion or as part of your morning routine.


That's all. And don't dare say TL;DR, or I swear I will so follow you home and leave nasty pictures as your desktop background. :whistling:

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Alcohol doesn't kill brain cells. It temporarily damages them so they struggle to send messages from one cell to another.

Any chance you could give some links referencing the article/articles where you found this info? Maybe you could even post a quoted excerpt from the article?


... I would no longer socially be looked down at as a junky ...

In other words, it'd remove the social stigma associated with marijauna use, which I would say could be a positive thing.


Think about it for a moment. Alcohol is a depressant chemical, and Marijuana is a relaxant.

Alcohol is classified as a depressant because it slows, or "depresses", brain/neural activity. It's not a reference to one's emotional state.


Where alcoholics damage their livers, minds, and other parts of the body with their addiction, when a Marijuana "Addiction" (As it's not a physical dependency) simply leads to use of more pot.


I don't think it damages your "mind" so much as it damages your "brain", unless that's what you meant. :thumbsup:


Also, studies have been made on the addictive properties of THC. The CHEMICAL/PHYSICAL addiction rate is lower than that of caffeine.

Any chance you could give some links referencing the article/articles where you found this info? Maybe you could even post a quoted excerpt from the article?

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  • 1 year later...

:laugh: Weed is a good thing and must be legalized my friends dont by into the phoney war on marijuana! the government just wants you miserable! I say this people look up the true stats on weed in the documentaries on it and read the right papers. Weed caused 0 thats right 0 deaths now people being stupid while high is another thing. yes some drugs out there are bad but not weed so let freedom ring shout out your right and spit on the FED's stating this "You legalized it before now You'll do it again! WE WANT OUR WEED BACK!!!". not only is weed a good thing but its an important part of history mind you that the declaration of independance was made of yes hemp aka weed. there is SO much that you need to learn about this good stuff yes i do smoke it and im proud of it why because i have the license too i got more problems than you know my friends my brother has asma and you know what helps with that? thats right weed just eat a weed cookie and you will have you body relax and you can breathe easy my weezie friends we all can rest easy if only the DAMN FED's would back the F@#$ off. so i wont babble much longer in fact i gtg so remember what i said research your rights and freedom and research what the government is doing stay ahead of the game before its too late the government has done many bad things to us. ever hear about the chemical trails in the sky? look that up too while your at it and if the government is reading this i say F!@# YOU! WE HAVE OUR RIGHTS AND THEY MUST BE HEARD


anyways im done now bye

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