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Still a little confused on Copyright rules...


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I have read the Terms of Service, and even a pinned topic regarding the matter, but I still have a question.


I have a music and sound mod that I've been working on for Skyrim for about 6 months now, and most, if not all, of the files include work from other video games, such as the Final Fantasy series, Zelda Franchise, Castlevania series, and a few other retro-style games that date back 10 or more years ago. However, most of these works aren't the originals, but remakes of the classic music.


Basically, should I get permission from, say, Nobuo Uematsu for the Final Fantasy songs, or the artists from Voices of the Lifestream, Both, or just forget asking for permission altogether but still post credit? Because quite honestly, I don't know what to do. It would be a lot easier for me to simply post credit without asking in the mod description and note that if any author of the songs simply have to request removal and it will be so. Due to the nature of the mod I'm making, there's A LOT of permission to ask.

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I have read the Terms of Service, and even a pinned topic regarding the matter, but I still have a question.


I have a music and sound mod that I've been working on for Skyrim for about 6 months now, and most, if not all, of the files include work from other video games, such as the Final Fantasy series, Zelda Franchise, Castlevania series, and a few other retro-style games that date back 10 or more years ago. However, most of these works aren't the originals, but remakes of the classic music.


Basically, should I get permission from, say, Nobuo Uematsu for the Final Fantasy songs, or the artists from Voices of the Lifestream, Both, or just forget asking for permission altogether but still post credit? Because quite honestly, I don't know what to do. It would be a lot easier for me to simply post credit without asking in the mod description and note that if any author of the songs simply have to request removal and it will be so. Due to the nature of the mod I'm making, there's A LOT of permission to ask.


I would recommend you to ask the people from whom you got the songs (if they are covers then ask the coverartists). That is not just a copyright question of the nexus. Everywhere you have to handle it that way, otherwhise the people who made the songs have always the right to take down your mod cause you used their work without asking. In fact, you should have asked for permission long time ago, as you had chosen the songs for your mod.

You can still try to just upload your mod, but remember, the original autors have always the right to take down your mod.


I know, it is much work, I know that feeling (had the same problem long time ago with a MW-Mod), but it is better to do so.

Edited by PaganWitcher
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In fact, you should have asked for permission long time ago, as you had chosen the songs for your mod.


I've been kickin' myself in the rear now that I'm getting close to finishing it.


Hmmm, I might just try to upload it, and make sure I notate my apologies for not asking first, and give credit where credit's due. Now I shouldn't have to worry about piracy because all of the music files have been heavily edited in Audacity by myself, and converted to .xwm files.


I still have some things to touch up here and there on the mod, but I figure I'd ask while nearing the final stages than ask later. Plus, no offense PaganWitcher, but I'd like to get a moderator's/admin's thoughts before doing so if they have the time. Thanks for your post, though, it's helping me make a decision.

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If you're using someone else's work, no matter what it is or who it is, you either need permission or it needs to be free to use/open source. This includes taking someone's work and modifying it.

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