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Civil War - In Depth Third Option, Possibly More


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I think it would be neat to have a third option in the very dull civil war. You have two sides, both of which are stupid. Your the Dragonborn, you should have the divine right to rule over Skyrim as the former Dragonborn Emperors used to. But you've got a big problem. No amry, no support.


You should have the ability to build up an army, in secret, or out in public depending on how you want it to go. Hire mercs, bribe guards, convince followers (but not housecarls, they're too loyal to their hold and their Jarl). Build up your army, pay for them to be outfitted in Dragonscale/dragonplate armor, they are the Dragonborn army.


If you have hearthfire, use a home as your base of operations, or have a quest line that brings you to a hidden and forgotten city under ground, that has everything times hundreds of what you'd need to equip an army of thousands. Something. You choose who you want to overrun first, stormcloacks, or empire. You can choose to silently take our Jarls by hiring the Dark Brotherhood (or if you run it, order cicero/the guard) to send initiates to do it, and install your new Jarl.


Make friends, make enimies, make frenimies. The possiblities could be practically endless. This mod, I would kill for. :) Someone make it :)




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There is a mod that lets you become high king. It's called Become High King of Skyrim. It may not be exactly what you're looking for, I haven't tried it myself either, but you basically start a campaign to overthrow all the jarls and, in the end, become high king.

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Not really but it looks neat. I am looking for a mod that gives you a third option in the Civil War that lets you lead troops in battle, covert and overt. I want to fight for my title as Emperor, unite the people of Skyrim under your control, sinister or not, however you choose to rule. I feel it would be a very extensive mod, far beyond my comprehension.



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I think I understand what you are saying - the Dragonborn gets his own faction in the Civil War. This sounds elaborate, since it seems that much of the game's underlying mechanics assumes the war between the Nord vs. the Imperials. There is a Civil War Overhaul mod. I have not installed it, but it does sound extensive - perhaps the author of that mod would be willing to add the possibility of a 3rd side?


Though not as extensive as what you are requesting, the awsome Helgen Reborn mod by Mike Hancho allows your character to help rebuild the dragon-ravaged, bandit infested ruin of Helgen to it's former glory (and even improve it). Through the new quests, you get to choose which faction the town will side with: Nords, Imperials, or neutral. If you can't abide either side in the Civil War, just pick the neutral option -- the guards get custom armor and the town gets a custom banner. After hours of entertainment, your character gets a fixed-up keep in town as a player home (so you can sort of call the town your own). Add a multi-follower mod like UFO, and you can build your own army - it just won't have much impact on the vanilla Civil War.

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I'll look into that Helgan thing. But yes it would be very extensive, but I think many would enjoy a third option, considering all the rulers of past were Dragonborn, the Dragonborn should have his own ability to control an army and take Skyrim for himself/herself, like former dragonborns. It would be very much extensive and involved, but I think its worth the effort, if I had any clue about how to mod at all I would attmept to put forth the effort, but I cant even play PC skyrim at the moment until my new desktop gets here, as my laptop isn't graphiclly strong enough to handle it, so I am stuck with the Xbox 360 as of now, which only has a few compatiable mods at all, most aren't very good either. I also think the Dragonborn should be able to order the construction of a new palace once he's won and is wears the Jagged Crown or whatever symbolizes his rule, a new palace with whatever he wants, with a large basement, cave, etc.. up to like ten stories lol. Something new and flancy (fancy + lovely = flancy). I have a lot of ideas, and if I ever have time to sit down and learn how to mod, I will deffinately try and do something, but as of now it looks like it'll be a year or so before I can even think about trying to learn. :/



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That would be good too, but is there a way to change their uniforms? Or maybe give the high ups Dragonscale uniforms? Maybe more advacned armor and weapons for everyone, depending on the wealth of the Dragonborn? Give him a Stormcloak treasurey, perhaps, change the name of the Stormcloaks to the Dragonborn Army? I think that'd be neat, maybe like when he goes to return the Jagged Crown or even before, kill Ulfric, maybe hire several mercs to go into the palace as body guards? A lot of different things there. Become formal allies to the Thalmor?




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I am working on a version of this concept.


Call it the Libertarian third option way out of the civil war.


In my scenario, you meet in taverns a number of unhappy nords and dark elf refugees, who don't really want to side with either the Imperials/Thalmore, nor want to side with Ulfric and the Nord Storm cloaks... LEAVE US OUT OF IT!


So, with many small quests, you will gather a following, sign into a colonizaiton pact, and begin gathering supplies, materials and people along the northern shores.


Several of these small quests can, but does not have to, align the colony effort with one or several Daedric Gods, who provide special magic options for establishing your colony ( more below ). But choosing this option has consequences, in that if you do so, you will bring in the ire of another opposing faction, the Vigilents of Stendar!


You have to keep the build up hidden from the other factions, because they certainly do not want an unaligned third party!


You will have the option of conceeding to align your colony with either the Imperials/Thalmore, or the StormCloaks. But that means that the other side is now totally out to destroy the colony efforts.


So you build one or more ( player strategy choices that matter ) long ships. When all ready, you and your group of 10-100 colonist embark on a grand sea voyage.


At this point the game becomes a fleet of long ships sailing through ice flows, surviving storms and battling Horker swarms and sea dragons.




If you survive the voyage, and depending on how much time you spend traveling into the north, you end up at one of three options:


A] Short voyage to the North - Barren Ice and Rock Isle, with an ability to carve out a frozen rock fortress base for harvesting Fish, Horkers and Whales ( and their oil ) for sale to the southern holds. This is the Trader version, where maintaining good relations with at least one of the southern holds is needed, and avoid customs ships and pirates is the nature of the subsequent games.


B] Long voyage to the North - Over the polar cap ice flows and down into warmer climes on the far side of the world, onto a new, lush, warm, green Island where you can carve farms, fields, hunting grounds and grazing meadows out of a wilderness filled with fearsome beasts and Falmer tribes. This option means you leave all contact with the old holds of Skyrim and its civil war behind, to face life in the wildes of the new world.


C] Medium voyage to the shores of the Polar continent, and a lengthy foot / riding trudge through extreme Ice and Rock to a Central Mountain Range of the North Pole. Here you find a Vast, Ice Filled, Glacier Cavern under the mountain. With the aid of the Daedric Gods magic, you can call up a lower cavern Lava Lake to melt the ice and warm the cavern.


In a separate quest, you will venture deep into the Falmer Underworld to retrieve one or more special magical crystal Sun-Stones, which can be blessed by the Daedric Gods into sources of plant growing light for your caverns.


Other quests allow the generation of rich soils and the calling forth of sweet water springs to flow winding creeks through your caverns. Still other quests allow you to retrieve magical standing stones which embue your cavern with seeds of trees, grass, shrubs, or a fauna version with springs to life trout, salmon, rabbits, goats, deer, elk, wolves and saber cats...


Thus the third option allows you to make an underground microcosm Shangrila escape from the woes and conflicts of the civil war in skyrim, though the Stendars fanatics will try to destroy it, and the Falmer will not leave it in peace either.





Anyway, that is my plans for a new mod series similar to what you are describing.

Edited by VanKrill
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There was a WIPz thread for exactly the kind of mod you're looking for, but the author hasn't posted in almost half a year. It's a huge shame because it sounded like development was shaping up nicely. Apparently SkyShadowin was an established modding figure; maybe someone around here knows how to contact him and ask if he's still working on it. It would have been amazing.



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