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Stop Congesting the Site with Stupid Mods


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Stop it.

We do not need any more ABSOLUTELY STUPID MODS with handguns that fire fully auto matic nukes; scoped uberkilling laser machine guns; weapons with 300 ammo capacity;

or any more mods that render gameplay absolutely idiotic. I mean really, how many of these ####ing things are there?

Just because you've discovered G.E.C.K. doesn't mean people want to see you've manipulated a number in the script and call it a mod.

Recently it takes a person forever to sift through and find the talented and worthwhile mods because of hundreds of quite simply retarded 'mods' that just mimic someone's previous retarded mod. Seriously, why would anyone want to try your 'unlimited-ammo-nuke-launching-sniper-rifle' when there's five similarly stupid files that have been uploaded before it?

Unless your mod is groundbreaking or innovative,


Stop it.

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Not true, just because you are new a scripting, quest making etc... does NOT mean your first mod is not worthwhile, In fact the so called Noob could have spent the time and effort making sure they learned the various aspects of the G.E.C.K and their first mod could end up being up there in the must mods to install straight away section. Also the modder could know the ins and outs of the G.E.C.K quite well and still manage to release a useless mod or a mod that isn't useless but isn't something many people want.

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Yep, chill.


The persons you're trying to target with this... newsflash, they don't read the forums.



Lots of crappy mods is a natural thing that happens in any healthy modding community, 13yearold yupies are naturally attracted to these communities and post crap, and they post waay too many crap to manually remove it, and many many actual modders will not like it when you go gestapo on mod content.



So you just need to learn to use the search function.

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