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The Fall of Imperials


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Ok I'm fairly new to the RP section. So here it goes.......


Setting - The World of Elder Scrolls ( I believe its called Tamriel )


Desciption - The Imperial grip over Tamriel is begining to slip. The Fall of Imperial power seems unstoppable. Orc's have rallied together and have declared war on the Empire. Suprised the Empire was caught off guard and have lost the Island of Solsthiem. The Imperials have sent there legion's to supress the Kajit and Argonian rebellion in the west at Black Marsh and Elsweyr. With their force's spread thin it seems certain that the Empire will fall. Can it be saved? This story will have many twists and turn's I hope it will be a sucess.


Character Description-


Name - Arturius


Race - Imperial


Class - Knight


Age - 28


Skills - Longsword, Heavy Armor, Block, Marksman, Alchemy, Speechcraft.


Description - A Champion of the Imperial Legion, Arturius is a fierce Knight who hope's to make his future family a noble one. He is loyal to the Empire and would die for it.





Please NO godlike power's.

I request that you follow my character description. When we have enough character's I will PM you when we will begin.

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I guess it isn't a crime to be in two rpg's at once, so here goes:



Name: Draxonius


Race: Imperial


Class: Knight


Age: 22


Skills: Longsword, Heavy Armor, Block, Speechcraft, Ride


Description: Draxonius has recently joined the Imperial Legion and wishes to win distinction there. He is a bit arrogant and will do anything for the Emperor.






Name: Draxonius


Race: Imperial


Class: Wizard


Age: 27


Skills: Destruction magic, Alteration magic, Enchant, Alchemy, Speechcraft.


Description: Draxonius is young and arrogant wizard. He thinks that Imperials are above all other races, so he supports the Empire. Draxonius is power-hungry - he will do anything to become more powerful.



I made two characters, Chaosmaker. Choose the one, you like more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Grand day. Ok maybe not. Any way.


Introducing Daedrus...


Name: Daedrus

Sex: Male

Race: Dark elf

Height: 5'5"


Weapon of Choice: Daedric Sapphire Claymore (mod)

A powerful warrior

Skills: Longblade, Shortblade, Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, Security



"I would be most honored to join you" Daedrus Mutters as he leans against a wall.

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Name: Saji

Race Kajit

Class Thief


Though Saji has no real love for the empire with the way his people are treated he was taken in as a cub when his mother a sevant in one of the households died.


he befriended the son of the lord and though the lord tried to disuade this the two were inseperable. They were always in mischeif!


When they grew up the lords son took on the role of captain in the legion as befitted one from the houses and Saji taggged along - the captain made good use of Saji's 'Aquiring skills' for gaining information and Equipment and soon made a name for himself within the legion, Saji was soon made a quartermaster for the now Junior Commander's troups, and their relationship remained that he didn't ask questions on where things came from or where things went to and he always got the best equipment. (assume smuggling and fell off the back of a cart dealing)


Saji is comfortable in his life and lives well, he care for his friend (one of the few he does care about) and is woefully avare that should the empire fall his lifestyle will get far less comfortable. hes also a little bored


The commander was called away too the front and Pointed Saji in the Direction of ...........(figured good character intro to others) saying the empire is wavering their are many good honest men trying to save it honest men need a hand my friend, you may even turn a profit.


Skills :Lock Pick, pick pocket, Move Silent, Hide, sneak, Speechcraft, light armour, dodge(or is this block?), dagger


This ok?

(i dunno piking my username ;p)

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Ok I will now begin the RP. If anybody has any question's please PM me. As of now the Sign Up is closed. I am not counting Peregrine but you can join if you wish just PM me your stats.
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Character Description-


Name - Matimer


Race - Bosomer


Class - Assasin


Age - 19


Skills - Shortblade, Light Armor, Alchemy, Marksman, Sneak, Speechcraft.


Description - Living in the woods for his entire live, Matimer feels quite at home in the forest, but not out of place in a city or town. Martimer lives to be unseen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name:Nirtiu Gloria


Race: Imperial


Class: Knight...(soldier)


Age: 20


Height: 6'5"


Skills: Longblade, heavy armor, Athletics, Alchemy, spear


Description: Nirtiu`s Father was an elite soldier, one of the finest soldiers of the emperors court, Gloria has always wanted to be like his father and has trained long and hard for 10 years to join the legion. Nirtiu has a short temper but has the ability to be a great leader.


Weapon of Choice: A powerful, deadly scimitar given to him by his Father (sword rumoured to be blessed by tiber septim.




OPlease let me, I wanna play this cool thing...

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  • 4 years later...

Name: Altoth Droth


Race: Monolukine (my custom race)


Class: Dread Knight


Age: Refuses to reveal though appears to be in his 30's


Skills: Claymores, Longswords, Destruction, Conjuration, Has special Ultima skill specific to his Race (chance of death upon use due to extreme enegry loss)


Description: New to the Empire, His past is a mystery, Quiet and thoughtful, Mostly avoided due to his strange appearence ( Looks Human except for Glowing Green Eyes and Lines through his skin that resemble lava flow that glow green as well and only appear at night)

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