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Kendou Warriors

Zer0 Suii

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Kendou Armor, masks, and staffs. That would be cool. I don't mind if you can't make the fighting style because I know that would probably make lots of screw-ups in Oblivion, but just having a Kendou companion would be great. Anyone who does this, I bow to thee.
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Show people some pictures, as not everyone would know what kendou armor etc looks like


Upload some pictures and someone may take an interest :thumbsup:


Picshas...? Okay!


These would be 2 in a fight... not much to see...



A diagram of target areas when fighting a kendo warrior:



The Shinai (Kendo Stick):



And here's more info on the way of Kendo:

Wikipedia Link


Sorry for spelling it Kendou. I've just seen it spelled like that everywhere before and had it stuck in my head as such. The correct spelling is Kendo, But still pronounced KEN-doo.

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