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Oblivion takes too long to start after I tried to add a dialogue to a custom NPC


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I am trying to add topics to my custom made NPC's with no success. Not only that, but now the game takes too long to start.

Let me give you some details:


So I created a topic about a NPC's background through the quests and tried to make it work. At some point I typed "CNTalkAboutBackground" to the Result Script and got two error messages (1."Result script compilation failed. Check the console for error messages" and 2. "Operation cannot be completed because info 0505F6A2 results scripts failed to compile), the quests tab closed and now the game takes too long to start.


I noticed that my "Background" topic has the phrase "Adamus Philida" in the Display Text. But the certain topic is from the Dark Brotherhood, which I did not open.


Any ideas what exactly happened and how to solve this?


EDIT/UPDATE: I restarted my pc and now the game starts just fine, but I still can't add topics.

Edited by Dimitrisgb
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What does this CNTalkAboutBackground refer to then?


As you can see in characters -> filtered dialogue every dialogue has an editor ID.


As a golden rule:

-always start your editor ID's with a letter, otherwise they will cause crashes

-to avoid mod conflicts and the crashes they cause create editor ID's you aren't likely to find in the other mods ; a mix of your nickname, a short description and the acronym of your mod makes a perfect combination


You can create a simili-quest with 50 as a priority and associate it to a script to add your topics.

The script would look like this:


ScriptName YourScriptEditorID

short DoOnce

Begin GameMode
addtopic YourTopicEditorID
set DoOnce to 1
StopQuest YourQuestEditorID

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If the same topic applies to several NPC's you only need one script.


You need different scripts if the conditions to add different topics are different.


To avoid any conflict you should better copy the content of Shady Sam's dialogues and apply them to your NPC's with a proper filtering.

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