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Help with quest


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Got the quest from Caius to talk with Mehra Miro in Vivec. I have picked lock to her room, gotten note that says she went to ministry of truth, spoken with Alvela Saram , gotten the key to the ministry of truth and have been told by Alvela were to find Mehra. However when I check the prison cells no Mehra! The cell she should be in is empty. Is there a cheat to mark this quest as finished or a way to make her appear?

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uh well im not sure if it makes any difference but placeatpc has always worked 4 me in the following format:


placeatpc "mehra milo" 1, 1, 1


with spaces inbetween the 1s... prolly doesnt make any difference but it is a bit wierd that theres NOTHING wrong with that command at all yet it still says it isnt correct... shouldnt happen :huh:

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