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Looking for easiest mod ever


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I'm looking for someone to create, or point to to where I can find a purple hood.


I've looked for awhile and all the ones I've tried, simply don't work. Missing textures, missing meshes, etc... [For example, the capes and cloaks mod - all of them work except the purple one]



Thank you

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If the capes and cloaks mod has one but the texture is in the wrong place, why not just fix it? You can do that by moving or renaming the purple DDS to what the NIF texture path is expecting or update the NIF texture path to point to the correct DDS file.


Related tutorial: How To Fix Hard-Coded Texture Paths in NIF Files


EDIT: I was curious about the purple hoodie not working in Capes and Cloaks and decided to download it and take a look-see. These are the files I examined:


Meshes\clothes\cloaks and capes\purple\cloak.nif

Textures\clothes\capes and cloaks\allcolors\hoodpurple.dds


The files and the reference inside the NIF all look correct.


Make sure you have all the files correctly installed in the "Data" folder.



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The same thing happened to me with the Capes n Cloaks mod... LHammonds has the right idea though! (THANK GOD FOR PROS!)
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