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Making the TCL command a Spell / Power


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I like the idea.

Maybe adding a visual effect to it would make it even better.

Remember the potion you find in Shroud Hearth Borrow in Ivarstead ? The one that makes you look like a ghost ?

In additon, adding the the inability to attack and be attacked of the shout "Become Ethereal" should balance this spell out.

Why ?

It would be very easy to walk into walls when you're killing a dragon to avoid being injured.

Edited by Gerandirr
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Make a magiceffect, set archetype to Script, type = fire and forget, target = self and add this script

scriptname TCLSpell extends activemagiceffect

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

Then make a spell with fire and forget / self add this magic effect and set the duration however long you want. Might cause problems if you have the spell on when you save.

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