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Is your personality in Oblivion different from the "you" in


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I'd like to think in real life i'm a reasonable, idealistic, paganistic, conservative and empathetic person. I also believe that if you've given something you could easily destroy or seroius harm a chance to stop pissing you off, that resorting to a aggressive reminder is perfectly acceptable, e.g dont touch my lunch again or you'll see your breakfast again.


In game, I'm extremely conservative (i dont use enchanted weapons because of the nnoying constant recharging), highly paganistic (oh...look at all the bodies in the chapels), idealistic (don't try to kill any peaceful {unholy} entity), empathetic , and reasonable ( when i fight something in melee I give them a SINGLE chance to surrender).


I see its interesting to see elements of neutral and moral behaviour, but terribly amusing to see amplified cruelty.


Its more interesting to see these changes because of the lack of moral repercussions (and opposingly moral rewarding), and this, I think though many would disagree, shows a more realistic behaviour portrait of ourselves. In Oblivion we aren't limited by how much money we have, how many illegal things we can do in 24 houses, how many exotics suits we can buy for our avatar, or even the fact in real life fear would cut down our decisions. Its because ingames, especially oblivion, we are free to modify it and manipulate its elements and resources how we see fit because we want to experience something we couldnt do in real life.


If anyone was crazy enough to read a post as long as this, I hope someone understands our decisions in Oblivon from the crazed ranting of a 10th grade Aussie.

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Well, I don't really think about my character having the same personality as mine. I'm not really (I'm talking about myself) a bad person, I can hit people hard if they somehow annoy me a lot or hurt me. I can be good to, quite charismatic, playful and outgoing. I have lots of friends and all that.


Not sure about my character tho'. He likes stealth being evil, murdering random people at their houses at night. Joining evil guilds. Somehow thinking of doing peaceful quests the evil way. Yayadayada, bla bla use stealth.


So basically, my character is ruthless, evil, cunning and feared. I'm not evil tho' lol :smile:

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Its more interesting to see these changes because of the lack of moral repercussions (and opposingly moral rewarding), and this, I think though many would disagree, shows a more realistic behaviour portrait of ourselves. In Oblivion we aren't limited by how much money we have, how many illegal things we can do in 24 houses, how many exotics suits we can buy for our avatar, or even the fact in real life fear would cut down our decisions. Its because ingames, especially oblivion, we are free to modify it and manipulate its elements and resources how we see fit because we want to experience something we couldnt do in real life.


If anyone was crazy enough to read a post as long as this, I hope someone understands our decisions in Oblivon from the crazed ranting of a 10th grade Aussie.


By Jove, I think you've got it, lol Especially the experiencing things in game, we can't do in real life. For a 10th grade Aussie, you're quite the philosopher ;) All jokes aside though, what you say makes a lot of sense, and no doubt has several layers of truth in it. We all have shades of light and dark (good and bad) in us. I think that's why I was expecting most folks to say they acted in opposition to how they are in real life.


Oh and yeah, I guess you could call me crazy..... :yes:

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  • 2 weeks later...
myself in real life I am a nice person but an oblivion or any other game I am pure evil. everything i do in games is evil if i save someones life it is most likely because I want to roast them alive. but sadly i have never met another truly evil gamer I mean would you all still do evil quests if there were no rewards? most people say no. to all evil gamers where are you!!! :mellow:
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myself in real life I am a nice person but an oblivion or any other game I am pure evil. everything i do in games is evil if i save someones life it is most likely because I want to roast them alive. but sadly i have never met another truly evil gamer I mean would you all still do evil quests if there were no rewards? most people say no. to all evil gamers where are you!!! :mellow:

I tried that once. I'm sorry, but I think almost all the other truly evil gamers got a bit bored.

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Hmm. I don't really know. It's like, I have never killed anyone and neither stolen anything, but my character does such things. And I'm not as brave as my character. I wouldn't dare to go into an Oblivion gate because I have NO idea how to fight with a sword. you can't really compare your character and yourself, because the Elder Scrolls world is not realistic. Seriosuly? A scamp throws a fireball at you, and you loose a bit of life? you're like supposed to burn then! And your character can't really have a personality. Ok, you want your character to be evil. but you MUST save Martin, and you're not able to kill him, etc. And your character can't be neat or sloppy, nor lazy or active, nor serious or playful, nor shhy or outgoing. But can WE, people, be any of that kind? Yes, we can.
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Hmm. I don't really know. It's like, I have never killed anyone and neither stolen anything, but my character does such things. And I'm not as brave as my character. I wouldn't dare to go into an Oblivion gate because I have NO idea how to fight with a sword. you can't really compare your character and yourself, because the Elder Scrolls world is not realistic. Seriosuly? A scamp throws a fireball at you, and you loose a bit of life? you're like supposed to burn then! And your character can't really have a personality. Ok, you want your character to be evil. but you MUST save Martin, and you're not able to kill him, etc. And your character can't be neat or sloppy, nor lazy or active, nor serious or playful, nor shhy or outgoing. But can WE, people, be any of that kind? Yes, we can.


To answer Shu0001e, I believe I would, just because I'm very curious. I'd want to know what happens reward or not. I have done evil things as Eshenaleros says, because I was bored at the time.


I don't know Birrii, perhaps it's just my perception of my character, but I do feel she has a personality. Just read through here, many people have habits or quirks that are similar to their personalities in real life. Of course there is the obvious, we haven't killed anyone (hopefully! :ermm: ). I don't look at the game in the literal sense, but in the perceptual sense I guess.


I think my character is neat, generally helpful (you can choose smart ass answers sometimes, or choose the kinder, gentler resposne- each gives you a different response from the NPC) and I have a certain way I do things, like how I decorate my houses or what I wear. Some people leave things lying about, don't want a house, don't care about certain quests, etc. That is their personality that then translates to the nature of the character.


This may sound totally nuts, but my daughter and I have often talked about how in certain emergency situations, we just may perform better, or think of solutions quicker because of our love of adventure gaming. I mean, if scamps did suddenly spawn in the real world, I'd know how to duck, dodge those fireballs, and exactly which staff to use to knock them out quick, lol But seriously I think it's all in how you view/play the game. The fact that it's not real, gives us a chance to try out some of those elements of our personalities we'd never use or call upon in real life. That's my warped view anyway :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

When playing Oblivion, I don't worry about money. It is so easy to come by. If I need some more, I just go out on an adventure and get it. My adventurer really doesn't care if he has no gold in his purse. This is so much different than how I have to think about money in the real world.


When playing, my character is much more daring than I am in real life. If my character dies twice in one evening, that is okay. If it was real, I would be so cautious that I probably wouldn't complete very many quests or amass much treasure.


My Oblivion characters are more generous with their means and have more time to help others than I do in real life.


In real life I am lawful-good or neutral-good. Almost all of my characters tend to have those alignments.


Sometimes I fear that my characters are more likable than I am in the real world, but they all stink as conversationalists and letter-writers. My characters never speak more than one short sentence at a time! It is rather annoying that we have all been channeled into being "the strong silent type."

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This is a great question and it made me look at myself a little and make comparisons.


In Oblivion:


I collect every skull in game, even Exnims Rune Skulls. Skulls are the only items I steal other than the thieves guild items. I display the skulls on shelves in my houses. I once collected every bone in the game and piled them in my basement.


In real life:

I have been interested in animal anatomy and paleontology my entire life. I find skulls to be the most beautiful things in existence.


In Oblivion:

I don't bother anyone or anything. I kill only when I have to and I prefer killing creatures over humans.


In real life:

I don't bother anyone or anything. I only kill when I have no other choice. I have never killed a person and only killed animals to put them out of their misery. I don't even hunt.


In Oblivion:

I love to explore, I can't pass a mine, a cave or a ruin without exploring every inch of it.


In real life:

I love to explore, I can't pass a mine, a cave , a ruin or an abandoned building without exploring every inch of it. I enter these places with a single motto. "Take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footprints."


In Oblivion:

I often avoid cities and spend most of my time in the forests, caves and ruins.


In real life:

I have always preferred secluded places. I'll take a lone walk into the woods to an abandoned house over a visit to a mall any day.


In Oblivion:

I prefer using a stealth character. I would rather get in a good shot with a bow before the creature even knows I'm there.


In real life:

I think in that type of a situation, I would be pretty much the same. I'm the guy who would lay in a single spot for an hour without moving, just to make sure the coast was clear.


I guess my PC is pretty much the same as I am in real life. Being my age, I can't do the things that I did in my youth. But I can still explore in Tamriel.

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