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Is your personality in Oblivion different from the "you" in


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Sorry for bad English.


In Oblivion, i'm a good guy just like in real life, i suppose. I prefer justice, honor and sometime may be too proud. I like DB and its' quests, but it doesn't make an real-life professional assasin, wright?. I was always attracted to swords and shield, i would like to learn to use both. I am Lincoln Burrows type (from Prison Break series, but not muscular :P), say the word, i'll do it, without too much questions and talk. I don't want any inoccent to suffer because of my goals, nor any other's. I don't like to leave the job unfinished, e.g. if I accidentaly enter Cave or Ayleidic Ruin, i must clear it from any danger. Also, i like my friends, so i tend to keep them all alive, if possible. I always use 'ressurect' cheat on Baurus or Jauffre.


Nice idea for topic. :thumbsup:

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Thanks guys for the compliments on the topic. I'm glad to see it active again. It's part of my nature to be interested in people's reactions, motives, etc. for what they do. I know the quirks I have. It's very fascinating to see others with the same quirks (needing to finish a cave or ruin once started for e.g.). Some of these comments like Wrath of DeadGuy's I could have written about my girl.


After playing coming up on a year now, I find little has changed. I'm perhaps a bit more ruthless. I have the big head now, lol There's not much that can slow me or my companions down. I probably need to move the difficulty slider up again. I enjoy killing something (out of self defense or necessity of course :happy: ) and watching it fly high and several feet away from me. I think I'm harder on those perpetrating injustices because there have been instances in the past year where justice REALLY was warranted for members of my family, the kids, and they didn't get it. So anyone ingame who is of power and acts a fool, gets a fool's response, lol


It takes a lot for me to lose my temper, but I must admit, I did punch my "husband" in the face when he walked thru one of my display cases for the umpteenth time causing all the contents to spew out. Thank goodness he loves me and just healed himself with a small smile, but did not retaliate :tongue: Oh and I guess I have been...um..."naughty" in the game. Much more so than I would ever be in real life! That's all I'll say about that, I'd have to kill you if I said more :ninja: muhahaha!

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When I was younger, I dreamt of the species I modded into oblivion. I think it was 12 years ago or something...anyway, the character in Oblivion I play as isn't anything like me (well, maybe a little) but his species certainly is a part of me. Mentally I beleive I'm stable, but I'm quite the tactical person who likes being alone. My character is tactical and was driven mad by being alone, but made use of the madness.

Sooo...I say only 2-4% of ME is in the Oblivion character, the rest is all just stuff I think is fun in a game, and I'd never do in real life unless in serious danger.

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The only real similarities between myself and my character are:


1- We're a bit reclusive and don't go out of our way to meet people unless we have to.


2- We like collecting things.


Other than that, I'm easy going but a bit of a sarcastic jacka** at times. I'm not very confrontational and I try to live a moral life without harming others. My character is pretty neutral about morals. If someone gives her a mission to go help an old lady across the street in exchange for a shiny sword, she'll do it. If someone else offers her a shiny sword to go kill that woman, her family, and kick a few puppies on the way, she'll do that too. She's more of a methodical machine. There is a list of journal entries that need to be completed and closed and that's what she's going to do. It doesn't matter that she's an assassin, she'll finish all the fighters and mages guild missions eventually. Why? There's loot to be had and missions to be completed. She doesn't let a little thing like class get in her way. The whole time she'll be stocking her armory with the weapons and armor she finds along the way. She kind of reminds me of the old stories of dragons, sitting on their hoard of treasure.



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The only real similarities between myself and my character are:


1- We're a bit reclusive and don't go out of our way to meet people unless we have to.


2- We like collecting things.


Other than that, I'm easy going but a bit of a sarcastic jacka** at times. I'm not very confrontational and I try to live a moral life without harming others. My character is pretty neutral about morals. If someone gives her a mission to go help an old lady across the street in exchange for a shiny sword, she'll do it. If someone else offers her a shiny sword to go kill that woman, her family, and kick a few puppies on the way, she'll do that too. She's more of a methodical machine. There is a list of journal entries that need to be completed and closed and that's what she's going to do. It doesn't matter that she's an assassin, she'll finish all the fighters and mages guild missions eventually. Why? There's loot to be had and missions to be completed. She doesn't let a little thing like class get in her way. The whole time she'll be stocking her armory with the weapons and armor she finds along the way. She kind of reminds me of the old stories of dragons, sitting on their hoard of treasure.




Hijacking my own thread, lol But Razorpony have you tried the Oblivion Collectible Cards Mod? That is a great little quest mod and you get to collect cards related to Oblivion. It's pretty fun. You can show them off with specially made furniture. I'm really enjoying that one, as I like to collect things too.


Back to topic :tongue: I complete all the quests too for the same reason. Right now I've got too much money actually. I'm almost done with the Mage's Guild. Done everything else except the Main quest. I don't want to finish that one until I get real bored, or I have to, lol

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I haven't tried that one, as cards don't interest me as much as weapons and armor. I like Myths and Legends, and Righteous Hitman. If you play a good character and want DB style quests get Righteous Hitman. You get to kill undead, necromancers, and all manner of foul beings, PLUS for each mark you kill their skull is placed into your inventory. I have a display case in my home containing all the skulls alongside each writ of execution. Good times.



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I haven't tried that one, as cards don't interest me as much as weapons and armor. I like Myths and Legends, and Righteous Hitman. If you play a good character and want DB style quests get Righteous Hitman. You get to kill undead, necromancers, and all manner of foul beings, PLUS for each mark you kill their skull is placed into your inventory. I have a display case in my home containing all the skulls alongside each writ of execution. Good times.




Thanks Razor, I'll try that one. Sounds like a good one. I did see a mod recently that gave you skulls in different colors to collect, but I forgot the name of it. Ahhhh you've struck a cord in my girl, she does so like to be an assassin when folks deserve it :ninja:

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  • 4 months later...
I'm a fascist ingame, no reason for me to apply humane moralities when it's just a video game. The only reason I don't kill everyone in game is because I prefer to be able to take advantage of them as much as possible - killing them I only get to loot a few things off their body.
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In real life i'm ex-military and current law enforcer. Ingame i am a merciless killer bent on converting the world into my own realm..much like dagon..matter of fact (roleplay wise,because imagination makes the world go round..in your face gravity) My character saved the empire from oblivion JUST so he could get dagon out of the way..so he could take over..like that old outplayed cheesy saying "keep your friends close,keep your enemies closer" In order to convert the empire,i gained their trust by saving them..now they are all doomed to eternal slavery...Cause i'm evil and evil demands a giant statue with my name on it..
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