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An elf within Cyrodill


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This story is a story based on Oblivion, that’s why its posted here in the first place. It might contain male on male love eventually, so if you dislike that, you can turn around now and wave bye-bye. Further I’d like to ask to forgive me for any grammar/spelling mistakes. Besides being dyslectic I am also of Dutch/Belgian origin, so English is not my own language. Yet of course you may always point me out mistakes so that I may learn from them…


Besides that, this story is not completely correct when coming to TES-Lore, some things will be based on mods that also can be found here on the Nexus, others on my own imagination. That last includes my vision on the imperial city, as a roman like city , much bigger that the in-game version of course, build over the ancient Ayleid city, which also leaves it’s marks and landmarks in its architecture.

But most important of this all might be my vision on the man and mer in the TES-series. I like the concept of the different races, only two things bugged me, that where the Orcs and the Elves, for I can’t place those together in a single civilization or culture, nor with each other, nor with humans. The Argonians and Khajit, I also see as more primitive cultures yet I do see them live among humans, for once there was slavery over the provinces if I do not mistake, what is a good way how they could have gotten to live among humans in all these cities. However, you’ll find that most of my beast folk will be low class work folk, for the humans give them a hard time in climbing the social ladder, of course.


Orcs I’ll ignore and place among humans together with the beast folk, for they are usually more the muscle than the brains in society. Of course all human races will be there as well, but not the mer or Elves. No, to me it’s impossible for humans and elves to live together as the same beings in one culture, so in my story Elves and humans or the other races rarely come in contact with each other.


The elves keep to themselves, as more developed, more intelligent creatures then humans. At least they see themselves so for their longer lasting lives and greater balance with nature. Only the dumer, or dark elves mingle with humans. This mostly for they do not care as much about nature and don’t mind building likewise cities or cultures, and live among humans for personal gain. Although most don’t like humans as much as they would like them to think, as well as many hold grudge against the empire, for not all of them agreed to be part of it, were the other elves made other agreements about their territories of Valenwood and Summerset with the empire.


So, at this point my apologies for any mistakes I might have made so far in my Lore, but this is simply my point of view. To me Altmer and Bosmer are plain humans in game, simply of another culture or race. To get an image of my kind of elves, visually I mean, well, seek out the mod for the Lineage II elves, and further, you can try reading Tolkien’s work. (This means slightly shorter, yet well pointed ears. :P )

Anyway, Here will follow my story, I hope you enjoy it, I’ll be working in parts, so please be patient, I might take some time now and then, for I also have other works to complete besides my writing.




Chapter one, An Imperial Home.

(Part one, updated 16th of June 2009)

The sounds of birds and amused voices fill the air, as squirrel seeks its way down to the end of a branch of a dark green leafed tree. The grass slowly turns yellow under the burning sun and the main streets white paving and the houses white marble walls are brightly illuminated by it’s warm light. The Imperial City did look quite impressive in summer, even Aredel thought so, as he studied the not too crowded streets and growth of plants within his sight. He chuckled in himself and returned his attention to the papers he held in his hands. Elven Gardens, do these humans truly think we even have ‘gardens,’ truly not the name for any of our domains I would say… Yet I must admit, they did their best making the impression.


Sighting he handed a small but heavy coin bag to the man whom stood beside him giving him a last document that stated that he had payed for the service of the horse and cart service for deliverance of his furniture and goods. The man climbed aboard the cart again ordering the Khajit whom was holding the reins to move, after the clacking sound of a whip some birds flew up from a tree nearby shrieking in their flight and the sound of hooves started to rise above the voices of the people on the streets as the cart started to move.


Thinking three things at the same time Aredel found himself impressed that these primitive Humans actually where capable of keeping such a city so white and clean. As well how they had adjusted its original architecture to their own liking. They had transformed the once Aldemeri city into a city of a more Human like yet highly advanced city. Many decorated white pillars, copper and golden statues like the one of Akatosch ’s dragon on the Talos plaza, bright red roof covering, high stained glass windows and even streaming water and fountains fed by the water coming from a spring beyond lake Runmare, brought here by the great Tiber Septim aqueduct.

And of course in its centre the once Ayleid palace, dominating the view from as good as any direction within the city. And in its centre stood the white gold tower, towering high above the landscape.


Aredel found it quite odd, all these things they had been able to revive within the city that where so advanced, yet still their culture remained so primitive, he thought to himself as an argonian maid waked by with some kids. First they where astounded, to see an elf in their city, then the maid noticed therevealing summer robes Aredel was wearing and quickly tried to make the kids look away from him so they would not see the uncovered body parts.

The argonian of course did not have any trouble bearing the heat, thanks to het lizard like origin, but the poor children, so saw Aredel clearly, suffered in their multiple layered clothing, like the other humans on the streets.


Aredel shook his head as he waved his long hair back behind his pointed ears, fixing his blue, purple eyes on a group of humans nearby, accompanied by two dark elves and a Khajit, whom were clearly watching him and discussing his presence, the Khajit did not wear more than a pants, their feline origin made them as furry as any other catlike creature. This provided them with enough camouflage to be able of walking around so uncovered in such weather. Would a human dare show skin as much as the Khajit showed fur, they'd be ridiculed, called insane. At least that impression had fallen over Aredel by the reactions he had seen an sensed over his own clothing.


The Dunmeri simply kept up an act of their own, they always have been mingling in human affairs for personal agendas or whatever reason they might have. Of all races in Cyrodill only the elves mostly kept separate from the other races, only rarely they used to show their faces among them. It must be quite disturbing, or maybe even very exciting for the people here, to have one in their midst.


A cool breeze came twirling trough the street playing with some dry leaves that had fallen to the draught. The wind tingled Aredel’s bare legs underneath the open skirt that only covered one of his sides and a part of his back, further he only wore a leather shell covering his groin area, and some belts keeping it at place. Around his right uncovered leg he had a few more straps in which rested the sheaths of three curved throwing knives, and on his back where two likewise sheath s but these held two short swords, as curved as their small throwable brothers.

His muscled but slender waist was completely uncovered, above it he was clad in a cloak like mantle that was only covering his left shoulder and revealed half of his strong chest.

The cloak was only kept up by his arm on the other side and his shoulders where obviously a little broader then his waist, giving him an athletic and well trained figure. None of the muscles were as pumped up as those of a nord, yet they were clearly well trained but simply kept their slender, masculine and subtle elegant form.


Observing the humans, Aredel touched his face, wondering how most of their men came to have such bulky and hard build faces. His own was more slender, had sharper angles, more delicate forms, yet was masculine enough to be distinguished from a female.

He found most of the humans quite ugly, most were acceptable, yes, yet he had come across some really horrid examples on his journey here, most of those, male. This however made it easier to tell them appart, or at least that was his tought.



Deciding not to keep lingering over that matter he turned himself to go inside, just then in the corner of his eyes he saw a young man standing in the doorway of the inn next door, "king and Queen Tavern, maybe he was even still a boy, Aredel did not easily see the difference among humans. For they aged in a strange way, at least to him it was strange.

He turned his eyes directly at him, the fierce purple edges of his irises in clear contrast with the bright almost glowing clear bleu in their centers. In the current light they must have been impossible to miss.

The young human was startled and didn’t seem to know what to do for a moment, as he had also been watching the elf and was now directly confronted with him. Even within a range to be capable of conversation.


Aredel grinned slightly at the black haired boy, he found it rather amusing how the big bright green eyes sought an way out of the situation from beneath the long fringe of hair that covered at least half of his face.

Well, look at that, that creatures face is remarkably well built for one of his kind… Almost, handsome… Shot trough Aredel’s mind as he studied the boys facial features, taking special notice of his lips, in his panic to decide what to do, the boy was biting on them in a hidden dispair.

It were only a quick few seconds, yet Aredel thought it took him way to long to decide on the situation, before the guy turned back inside.


Shaking his head Aredel walked to the door of his own new residence, wondering what it was that made humans take so long over decisions that should be made within a fraction of a second. Plain stupid actually, for when it comes to making a decision that should take careful planning and timing, they come with over hasted solutions which they call into effect before even glancing a moment at the possible consequences or outcomes.


Letting the door open so that the smell that the former owner left in the house could escape, Aredel walked to some of the crates that had been dropped off. Only by tomorrow the dilivery service would come back and unpack them for him. That meant he would not be able to dine properly at home until after then.

He was glad he had convinced them to at least install his bedroom and study upstairs, that saved him from spending a night at any of the inns in town. And besides that, his clothing now was also his disposal, so he could change into something more appreciated by the people of the local culture.

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I both like and go along with your vision of Oblivion's human civilization. It is both fascinating and very observant. I like the elf's view and biases though they might reflect more than those of the elf himself. Anyway, well done!


Kudos to you!

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Chapter one, An Imperial Home.

(Part two, updated 17th of June 2009)


After that Aredel changed in a light, fresh green and pale white spring robe, he decided to go for an walk and see the city for himself. He remembered the way he came here perfectly, he’d simply follow back that road first and see what other things he might find out about the west part of the city.

Unlike the “elven gardens”, the Talos plaza was not situated on only the higher circle, for it partly existed out of a great stair that led directly to the gate district on the lower circle. These stairs where not very steep, and horses could easily ride them, however carts had to find their way up on one of the two curved slopes that where situated on the staircases flanks.

In the centre atop op the stairs was a great fountain, the centre statue shaped like a golden dragon, the Avatar of Akatosch, quite convincing even, how they used other materials to get the impression of gold.

Aredel descended the great stairs looking out over the square below. It was surrounded by pillars and trees and bushes, but not as many as where to be found in the elven gardens district. And just like the square on top of the stairs, also here you found the mosaics of the royal crest beneath the peoples feet, as well as the packed houses that surrounded them and the occasional alyeid pillar or wall.

After visiting the gate district again Aredel proceeded and walked a couple of hours trough the city, he had only seen a small part so far, The most western edges of the lower circle, a few parts of the middle circle, and of the higher circle only the Talos Plaza and his own street. Whatever he may have seen, he did know that he had been seen, it even was so that occasionally, when he was spotted by the people on a square or street, all of them went quiet. Although Aredel did not allow any physical or mental feeling of discomfort to escape him, he did not find it very pleasant to get such kind of attention, being an elf or not, he had not expected anything the likes of this.


As he walked through the red stained wooden gates of his district the sun had dropped enough to fill the streets with shadow, yet still, it must have been an hour before dusk. First thing that came to Aredel’s mind next was dinner, at the end of this long warm day, he longed for some fruits and a good wine.

Remembering his own kitchen was still to be unpacked and he hadn’t got any food in the house yet, he walked past his own door and entered the Tavern next door, The king and queen.

Inside there was a strong scent of smoke, ale and other liqueurs, a thin fog filled the room giving it a gloomy atmosphere, the sound of laughter now and then filled Aredel’s ears, besides the many voices talking to each other.

I’d do well to enchant the walls of my residence, this noise is quite dislikable when trying to work or sleep.


Aredel sought a place in the light of the by smoke stained windows, uncertain of how things were done here he decided to sit down and observe as long as he waited for someone to take his order, if that would happen, that was.

Aredel sat there for an hour, things got more busy and the noise started to raise, as outside the sky slowly turned orange and darker grey to the east. Or at least for as far as he could make up by looking trough the stained window.

His observations told him, that humans had rather strange appetites, and behaved like no other creature he had ever encountered before, except perhaps, goblins. The humans in here ate as much meat as they seemed they could, if they were able to afford it. The orcs and Khajit present shared their diet, mostly all of them combined their dinner with bread, some with potatoes, however, not one piece of fruit had Aredel seen this evening, nor vegetable. Besides that they kept pouring in their alcoholic beverages like water, not caring whether they became rude or drunk in the process.

Also he had noticed of course that most people went to the bar themselves to order, yet had not felt any need to do so yet himself, mostly because his appetite was somewhat disturbed by what he saw.


One of the maids working was shouting down the stairs again, where the kitchen must have been. It seemed that she was carrying a big order to a large table, where many where seated. Not long after her shouting, the black haired boy that had been observing Aredel this afternoon appeared carrying a likewise load of plates and food, within a second remembered and recognized him. Once the lad had put down the plates on the table he briefly glanced in Aredel’s direction, within moments he realize whom he saw there and looked back, a bit surprised to see the elf there.

Before he could look away Aredel gestured him to come towards him, the boy clearly saw, as Aredel could read the panic he was trying to hide under a tough expression he put on, just like this afternoon. Next the boy tapped the maids shoulder , she glared at him as she drew her attention away from the men at the table that where boasting to her and touching her wherever they saw the possibility. The guy spoke to her and pointed towards Aredel with his thumb, the girl eyed him a second over his shoulder like she and all people here, had done a many times this evening, and her face showed excitement and some fear at what she heard.

She excused herself to the men at the table and walked over to Aredel’s direction as the boy disappeared downstairs again. She could not have been much older, possibly even brother and sister, although the green in her eyes was different. As she approached she gulped away some excitement and took up her role of waitress.

“Good evening, … sir.”

Some doubt arrised when she was about to address him, probably cause she didn’t know how to address an elf properly, for she obviously knew he was male. This Aredel knew for her cheeks stood as red as fire, and she had an underlying expression of hopes, seduction, and she seemed to feel flattered without proper reason.

“Is there anything I can help you with? Food, drink? A room, maybe even something else?”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter one, An Imperial Home.

(Part thre, updated 1th of July 2009)


Aredel did not understood the second thing she offered until he read her facial expressions more closely. His face went into a stern expression and he answered directly:

“Something to eat would be nice, yes, however, your last offer is something very inappropriate to ask among my people,” He paused for a moment and then his face slit into a slight smile,

“however since I am among your race, I guess I should accept it as a compliment, but no.


I’d like a proper meal and some of your finest mead or wine, whatever you deem the best and I’ll trust your judgment. As for my meal, please don’t use so much meat as you do in most of your dishes, a small piece will do, with it, I’d prefer some more potatoes, bread, and a variety of vegetables and fruit, if you would have those available.”

The waitress stared at him confused for a moment, then collected her thoughts again and nodded, “Allright, I think I can do that, is that all sir?”

“Yes, for now.”


Amused by her reaction Aredel sat back in his chair, her face showed some disappointment, and she was quite confused, both about being rejected as well as by the strange choice of food he had just ordered.

At that moment three new men arrived in the inn, among them one Aredel had seen earlier, but that one had left not long after he had arrived, as soon as he caught Aredel’s eyes.

It didn’t take long before a cold shiver crawled down Aredel’s spine, those three where up to no good, he could sense it and read it from their faces in a glance.


Turning his eyes away from them he muttered some words in his own language, too low to be heard, casting a focus spell on their presence, keeping him aware of where they stood and what movements they made. No they would not attack soon, they where up to something, but just came here to observe him for now. They have been expecting his arrival, that much seemed clear. Not willing to use more magic to avoid attracting attention, of any present spell caster, he kept to himself and waited for his meal as he tried to figure out whom the men where and what they wanted.

They did not seem to wealthy, yet they made an organized impression to Aredel, unlike most lower class humans he had encountered.


After a short while of waiting, the waitress came up again and placed a plate and a bowl in front of Aredel, the plate contained some meat, the potatoes he asked for, two carrots, and some other vegetables, the bowl contained some plain local fruit.

“If you want I still can bring a loaf of bread, your wine is on its way.” She said to him and then turned away from the elf, frightened she might be embarrassed by him again. Aredel shaked his head, he saw no need to be embarrassed.

Once he had finished about half his meal, the lad from this afternoon appeared at his table, holding out a bottle of wine, the label stated, “Tamika’s West Weald Wine, Vintage of the year 415”,


“I have heard of that batch, some bottles even travelled as far as my home domain.” Aredel stated to the boy as he laid his cutlery down. He eyed the young guy in front of him, slight beard grow covered his jaw line, he must have been shaving for at least a year already, at least so did Aredel anticipate of what he had learned about humans. Meaning the boy was not too old indeed, his characteristics where fabulous for a human, sharp jaw line, straight nose, well shaped cheekbones and two gorgeous, in this light, dark green eyes, that reminded Aredel of oaks leaves in the summer, floating on a dark lake at sunset. Although impressed, Aredel kept his steady expression and tone, even when the boy did not answer but simply looked to the ground avoiding Aredel’s gaze.

“Hmn, no need to be shy, young one, please, if you will, fill my goblet and I’ll see what I find of your wine.”


Keeping his silence the boy did as was asked, and awaited while Aredel tasted,

“ Not as good as the 399, that much is true… However it will do, I guess I’ll be needing to get used to less quality then I am familiar with.” Aredel smiled at the boy whom did not seem to get this as a jest and kept looking down. Sighting Aredel gave up trying to be humorous and put his goblet down.

“Listen young one, there’s no need to act this way towards me, you may, as you call it, loosen up a bit. Else I might never learn how to do that. And believe me if I say some of the humans that travelled with me where convinced I had to learn to do so, even though it’s not my way of acting.”


The boy looked up, a bit more comfortable, then nodded and walked back to where he came from without letting out a word.

After that Aredel had finished his meal , he sat a little while longer do empty the bottle of wine. The three suspicious characters had already left, he had sensed them as far as three streets away, where they had descended below ground, at least so his spell seemed to tell him.

Once he had finished his wine, he called forth the waitress whom he paid in elven gold, after which a short debate followed with the tavern master whom seemed more convinced by the strange coins than the girl.

Once Aredel saw his gold was appreciated, he left and walked to the door of his own house, went inside, upstairs and disposed of all of his clothes to wash himself. The water in the pitches was cold, but very welcome after the warmth of day that still radiated from the marble like stones of his house.


Once the water had dried up from Aredel's body, he walked downstairs where he searched a crate for a welkynd stone. Before he walked upstairs again he opened another window downstairs, the bars in front of it would keep anyone from coming in, and opening the window caused fresh air to circulate through the interior. As Aredel walked upstairs he felt the cool breeze flowing past his nude body, like cool flames dancing across the hairless skin. Only on one place, just above his crotch grew some body hair, slightly darker then the hair on his head just above the shaft of his penis. Further he did not even poses a single beard hair, everything was completely smooth.


Once upstairs again Aredel placed the stone against the wall and started chanting again, as earlier this night in the tavern. The glow of the welkynd stone dulled as the dull noise from the tavern slowly vanished from his hearing, the leftover energy of the stone he chanted around the room and visually spread. Most of it found a place around the doorframe and windows the rest covered the floor, walls, bed and ceiling. Once the stone was empty, and all light had vanished from within, it cracked and fell in dust trough the iron decorations that where wrapped around its base. Feeling secure to leave the physical world for what it was, Aredel laid his body to rest on the soft silks of his bed and allowed his spirit to drift off into the world of sleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter one, An Imperial Home.

(Part four, updated 11th of July 2009)


The next morning Aredel woke with the first light of the sun, he felt well rested for having such a long journey behind him the earlier day. He slid out of the bed and went to the washing table where he washed himself to get rid of the last bit of sleep imbedded within his body. As the water dried up fast with the help small incantation he walked over to his wardrobe and took out an white and cream colored thin silk robe, which had elegant yet simple decorations stitched in a fine gold thread on the shoulders and at the end of the sleeves. He bound two of his long knives to an waist belt and placed it around the waist wrappings of the robe, making the knives hang crossed over his lower back.


He took the advice of her ladyship, queen Tirla-miriel, very seriously, for she had warned him about the customs some of the less fortunate humans dared to share.

Aredel left his house behind on another walk, hoping to find a place where he could buy some fruit as breakfast. Shouting voices and ambient sounds came from one of the gates. Some women strode by into its direction with empty baskets admiring the sight of the elf along the way, as a man came into his direction waiving with an paper shouting, “Latest news, get your free black horse courier here! Another great breakthrough for Admus Phillada and his hunt on the Dark Brotherhood !”

It didn’t take long for Aredel discovered that the noise had led him to what must have been the market district, unlike the elven gardens there was as good as no flora to be found here, the streets where crowded, on the streets stood stalls and lay blankets where merchants tried to sell off their goods and many signs hang from the wall with the names of shops.

Aredel made his way to the crowd easily for most people split to make way for him, looking at him astonished, sometimes admiring, and many even bowed slightly in what sometimes seemed fear, and otherwise seemed just as a humble gesture or sign of respect and adoration.

Aredel could sense all the curiosity, and other varieties of feelings filling the air around him, he decided to block them out as much as he could for they made him feel uncomfortable.

His eyes fell on a stand selling vegetables and fruit, not all looked that fresh, but he decided it would do and he went over to purchase some grapes that hadn’t gone bad yet, to make his next stop at a bakery. As he walked through the street his eyes fell on slender figure skulking behind a group of people that seemed cough up in conversation, he wore a hood and walked on his bare dirty feet, it was over clear that he didn’t came from wealthy backgrounds. Then Aredel recognized the guy, the angles and forms of the body under the tattered clothing were the same as of the boy whom had brought him his wine last night in the tavern. He had studied the boy with most care and had absorbed as much and many details of his appearance, scent as he could last night, for some reason that was not completely clear to him it seemed this boy was of utmost importance for something that was about to happen.


Aredel watched how the boy took a knife from his leather belt and cut loose an satchel of coins from one of the ladies standing there. No one seemed to have noticed a thing and the boy turned to get away before he was caught. By doing so he looked straight into Aredel’s eyes, the boys eyes widened, he had been caught! Startled he stepped backwards and bumped against the lady whom he had just stolen the coin purse from that was still in his hands, the woman turned around, snarling at the boy, “Scram you waterfront spawn! Don’t you ever dare coming near to me again or I’ll have you strung up like the smelling pig you are!” It was clear that this society lady had no love or compassion for the less fortunate, in her anger she didn’t even manage to see the coin purse in the kid his hand.

Stumbling he fell back to the ground this time with his face to the woman whom turned back around to the other society folks to apologize herself for the interruption in their conversation. Aredel had walked into their direction as soon as the tumult came into being and now stood straight behind the boy whom looked up to see Aredel’s face.


Aredel could read the fear in his eyes, he was afraid the elf would betray him and that he would be taken away by the guards whom probably send him straight trough to the gallows, however Aredel kept his mouth shut and kneeled by the boy, laying his hand on the coin purse, then moving his hand up to the boys armpit helping him up, as he did so the people around them made a circle and sounds of astonishment and surprise rang in the boys ears, he quickly glanced to his hand in which he held the purse, it was gone! Yet, he felt it as he squeezed the air tighter he noticed it was still there, yet he could not see it, it was invisible!

The woman had noticed the happenings behind her back and turned around with an awkward look on her face, she didn’t understand how such a noble creature as an elf, simply helped such a “thing” to get up from the ground. As soon as Aredel had the boy on his feet he asked him if he was alright, and the kid nodded, then he glared at the woman. The people suddenly stumbled a pace backward at the sight of the gorgeous elegant face turning into a grim expression of anger, resembling a coming storm threatening above the horizon. As if that was not enough the glow that seemed to cover the elf’s being turned weaker and now even seemed to radiate a dark atmosphere.


The woman stared at him, paralyzed, not knowing what to do, next thing the people knew, she started crying and fell to her knees, the expensive skirt of her dress straight into the dirt she had send the boy crawling trough. The dark glow over the elf disappeared, and was replaced by his natural aura that seemed to slightly make him radiate a golden glow. The guards that had made their way through the crowd looked, down at the scene, not sure what had happened or what to do. Eventualy one of them stepped towards the woman and kneeled down next to her and then looked over the elf, “What happened, did you do this to her? If so…” before he could finish his sentence the elf interrupted him, “She brought this upon herself, her behavior was lower than that of a lowest of deadric creatures, I confronted her with her inner self, and this reaction is caused by what she came to see. I assure you imperial peacekeeper, I did not break any laws, nor did I use offensive magic, I merely held up a mirror, let’s hope this will make her a better person. “

The guard did not know how to react, so he stayed quiet and called his fellow guards to help with the woman, most of the higher class people standing around them had disapproving or questioning looks on their faces, while the lower class slowly started to smile and eventually some even applauded and yelled as the elf helped the boy to get out of there, when falling backwards he had stepped in a small piece of broken glass and he could not use his foot.

Aredel helped him back to the elven gardens, the boy that he supported seemed somewhat embarrassed, yet he appreciated the help, but with that came the confusion, why? The fouls clothe she wore made dark stains on the delicate white silks of the elf’s robe, Aredel noticed that the boy was looking at those with a worried look in his eyes.

“No worries, my round eared friend, I can clean those up later, first let’s get you to your tavern so I can take a look at your feet. Uh..? ” At the mentioning of the tavern the boy started to shake his head heavily then looked at Aredel., whom could read from the face that bringing him there might not be such a good Idea. Yet the boy did not speak, even though he wanted to, what stopped him from Aredel did not know,

“You know what, we’ll walk around the tavern, and we’ll find another place where I can take care of your foot.”


Eventually the two arrived at a stone bench near one fountains that decorated some of the many parks in the district. Aredel let the boy sit down and lifted up his foot with his permission. He could feel the boys nails pressing in the skin of his shoulder trough the thin fabric as he suddenly pulled out the piece of glass.

using an slight flow of magic he searched for any possible leftovers of glass in the wound, when he could not detect anything he incarnated some elven words and the wound started to grow together and healed slowly over the time span of a few minutes. Once done, the elf stopped chanting and looked at the boy whom stared at him with an questioning yet admiring look in his eyes. Aredel smiled and took the boys hand, startled the boy jumped up from his seat and his cheeks colored a bright red color,


“Do not be afraid, please, I am only returning your loot to its natural state.” The elf said letting his hand go again, in which lay the coin purse.

“I could not let them see that, could I, in that case you would have been arrested for thievery. In fact it is, and I don’t think it’s right what you do, however, for this one time I’ll let you get away with it. Now please, I would like to talk with you, would you honor me by allowing me to know your name?”

The boy stared at the elf, drawing a sad face, then he looked down at his feet, not uttering a word.

A bit surprised the elf looked at the silent boy, then he gestured at the bench, inviting him to sit again, when the boy sat down Aredel sat himself next to him, “Allow me, if you will?”

Aredel smiled as he asked, the boy looked back up at him clearly not understanding what he meant, next Aredel placed his hand on the boys forehead. The boy started to feel dizzy and light headed instantly then Aredel pulled back his hand. Aredel laid his hands on his lap and watched the boy, a friendly smile on his face,

“My name, is Aredel , I am an elf from Summerset isle, as you might have noticed.” The boys eyes widened, and wondered how he could have heard what he just heard while the elf just sat there smiling, not even moving his lips.

“I just have made an magical connection between our minds, your mages would call it telepathy, I believe, so it is that you hear what I want you to hear. Ho, there, hold your horses with the questions on me will you, yes I can hear what you are thinking, yes the voice you use to speak to your self is the one that is also in my mind at the moment.”

All the thoughts and questions that raged to his mind where heard by the elf, just as if he could talk himself as well!

“However, you have to try and focus on what you want me to know and what not, and try to calm down with those questions, I cannot answer them all at once, that’s even to chaotic for me.”

“You really hear my thoughts do you?”


“By the nine divines, finally I can speak to someone… Well not speak… But he hears me!”

“I do indeed, now calm yourself, try to focus what you want me to know or hear.”

“My name, my name is Freyus! Most call me Frey, wauw, I never have been able to introduce myself before,” He laughed soundlessly, “usually my sister does it for me, and the best of all, it’s him, this elf, Aredel, whom I first introduce myself to, I can’t believe it he’s so bea…” Freyus’s face turned pale and he noticed the surprised look on the elf’s face.

“Calm down my friend, the more you think in that way the more I’ll know of it, and I have a feeling you didn’t want me to know about that did you not?” Aredel smiled politely as he tough this to Frey.

“Now, young Frey, what I wanted to ask, is what made you steal this purse of coins from that … Human lady? Don’t worry I won’t accuse you, nor do I bite.”

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Chapter one, An Imperial Home.

(Part five, updated 12th of July 2009)




Meanwhile in the woods of Summerset isle, things went their daily lives. Glistering in the centre of a beautiful valley stood an high tower out of white marble and high crystal windows, It was build on the flank of an hill of which the top was flat and turned into a gorgeous mosaic terrace. Around it where the steep cliffs that surrounded the valley, covered in green, blossom pink and gold of plants that grew wherever it was possible, between the many waterfalls that made their way down to the river below. Between the forests and plateaus where more terraces and lots of small bridges seemingly growing towards each other and grasping together like grape vines. Along with the terraces here and there roofs and small towers where visible between the trees, of a bleached timber, elegantly curved into natural forms that made the flow into the landscape as if naturally part of it. A likewise palace covered a part of the flank of the hill on which the tower was build, this one was connected with the other terraces by one of those bridges but then of course slightly larger.


The boats that where docked at their quays where also bleached and elegantly curved and the prows where shaped like swan heads. It was an magnificent sight of nature’s beauty, yet it was a city at the same time.

“Milady?” A clear man’s sounded over the sound of one of the waterfalls rumbling, on the bridge in front of it stood a gorgeous woman figure, playing with a colorful small bird that fluttered around her hands. Her white and golden dress was very open, her whole belly was visible, her shoulder uncovered, and her sleeves only covered her lower arms and where so wide and long that they touched the ground. The front of her skirt was split just above knee height, so where the two flanks, the back part of the skirt went longer and wider, covering quite some length on the ground.


She smiled at the bird and eventually nodded at it, as if saying it could leave now, and it flew away, as she turned her head to the male figure appearing from between the trees at. The man shared likewise, open clothing, but more masculine of course, and his clothing was colored more in light greens and cream colors.

“It is nearly time milady, Aredel must be feeling the effect of the incantation by now, and slowly become more vulnerable to aggressive emotion. The seers say it will happen tonight.”

The woman nodded slowly, “It pains me that we have to do this in such an violent way…” she sighted, “Yet what has to be done, has to be done.”

Together the two left the idyllic scene, to an not less other one, following a stairs up to the great terrace atop if the hill.


After a long conversation between their minds, Aredel had learned that the boy lived on the waterfront, where most poor human of the city had their residences. He and his sister Amelia had lost their parents at a young age and had to survive on the streets as beggars and petty thieves, a story that made Aredel sad, the humans where so incapable of taking care of their own people…


For some reason, Freyus had never had the ability to speak, this made it uneasy for him to find work. Lucky for him, his sister, whom like him, had inherited their parents facial beauty, found work in the kings and queens Tavern, she insisted that Freyus also had to work there. The Innkeeper seemed like a very nice person, at first, so Frey told him after some doubt, but he was quickly convinced to trust Aredel. Aredel remembered the sound of Frey’s thoughts in his head:


“He was very good to us, the first three, to four weeks, Amelia was to help out up in the tavern, as waitress, I had to help downstairs in the kitchen. Things went well, however I noticed that often people came down the stairs, people whom should not be there, I guess they placed me there because I have no voice… When I tried to stop them from coming in, the cook told me it was alright, they where special guests, most of them went down below, to an lower basement. It took me a while before I started to get suspicious, but eventually in our fifth week there things got clear to me.”


Aredel remembered Freyus’s sad face, next Freyus had told him about was that the innkeepers lowered their pays, and from that moment on things went downhill for the two, “It seemed as if he had planned it all along, he warned us, that he had thugs, whom knew everything about us, as did he himself, he knew where our shack was, whom lived near to us, what route we took to get to the tavern… He… he forced us to stay working for him, but the pay he gave us was not enough to buy enough food anymore, with the first pays we had been fine, it was just enough to feed us, we could even afford ourselves a little meat a few times a week.


Then he eventually even started to hit Amelia, the first time was when she came asking for just a little more pay so we could at least eat properly, second time, when she... She had to…”

Aredel sat at the table of his living room on a high backed chair, clamping one of his hands around his head… At this point of his story Freyus had started to sob, no wonder… Aredel did not understand how Humans could be so cruel to each other, it was horrid behaviors, forcing such a young girl into prostitution! Aredel banged his fist on the table, he had been short tempered the whole day already for some reason, especially when he confronted that ‘upper class’ woman with herself, however for this he deemed it only natural.


He had gone home after Frey went to the tavern, if he’d be late he’d be the one to get a beating. Everything going on underneath that inn, as far as Aredel’s knowledge stretched on the laws of the empire, where illegal. Gambling on pit fights, prostitution, in the story it sounded like the whole grand bazaar.


He did not know what exactly was wrong with him, he felt as if he were under some kind of spell his emotions where all messed up all the sudden, he felt easily angered by things under which he otherwise would have kept his calm. Sure he would not agree with what happened, but sure he would have found another way to set things right.


He stood up, first things first now, time to investigate this business next door… If what Freyus told him was true, he would be able to discover more, although it might take some effort. Good that those men of the delivery service had been here earlier this day to help him with unpacking everything and put up the interior, he walked to one of the cupboards that held some silverware, including a mirror, a silver bowl shaped mirror. He took it from its place and put it on the middle of his round table, which he cleared, next he set up five soft purple candles around the bowl. Next he connected the candles with lines of salt he had brought from his homeland, forming a pentagram around the bowl. Last but not least he took an large silver pitcher out of the cupboard, which was sealed with an crystal shaped, silver cork. Slowly he stepped back towards the table and stretched out a hand towards the ritualistic scene and started to chant incantations, his voice clear and undisturbed filled the room. As he came closer a breeze seemed come from the mirror, the closer he came the stronger it became, once he reached the table a circulating wind emitted from the mirror whirling around in the room making the wall hangings flutter as banners from the top of towers.


Slowly he reached for the cork of the pitcher and removed it, letting a sweet scent escape from the pitcher, next he stretched his arm and slowly let the water flow into the mirror. As soon as the water hit the bowl it spread over the whole inner surface and filled itself up from the sides until it was full then the leftover water returned into the pitcher and Aredel closed it.

Still chanting the wind kept on flowing through the room, he put down the pitcher and slowly bent himself forward so he could look straight into the bowl. As he did so he saw the water starting to ripple and images shades started to shimmer in the bowl, next it seemed as if the images came towards him starting to swirl around him slowly becoming more detailed, and eventually it was as if he stood in the tavern itself. Even for late afternoon it was quite busy, yet not a loud as it had been last night.


Freyus was there to, helping with some men to bring crates of beer to the basement, he hadn’t changed into the more descent clothes of last night yet and he had a fresh bruise on his face. The innkeeper was behind his bar, counting coins and overseeing his personnel. Aredel could not help but to feel a flare of anger, but he had to keep his concentration so he pushed his feelings aside and kept on chanting, now the vision moved again, blurring everything around him but for the little part in the middle that kept sharp sight except when the vision turned in direction.


Fast the vision moved around him, he the doorway that led to the basement approach him and after that saw stairs moving underneath him until he reached the kitchen which was partly storage as well. He took his time observing everything, Freyus whom he had just passed on the stairs stumbled into the kitchen for the man behind him pushed him. He saw the man shouting at him, probably hoping it would drive up the tempo. The cook stood by the spit on which he was placing a pig carcass, the walls above the stoves where blackened because of the fires and the whole place was defiantly in the need of more cleaning.


In the corner he saw an curious amount of crates piled up as high as the ceiling, it made an angle making it look like as if they were placed on each other like a big cube, however, it made it over obvious to Aredel that it was done to hide what was behind it. The vision moved again on his will and he found an opening big enough to pass trough for as good as any human man, even those broad ones Aredel had seen. After a few corners Aredel saw a door, the vision went straight through it and found another stairs that went further down, eventually the vision revealed a big room, it seems that the innkeeper had claimed a part of the city’s sewer system for his underground business.


The whole place had been rebuild, many pipes covered the ceiling, leading the sewage that came down to the original sewer, and the way everything had been sealed up and rebuild even the lower flow must have been diverted somehow. In the middle of the room they had dug a big hole which they had reinforced with stone walls, pikes where installed to keep anything from coming out, the sand on the bottom was stained with blood on several paces, as where the walls and the pins that where pointing out of them. It seems the man had build his own little arena here. Chairs and stools where places all around the pit, and another bar was installed in the corner, two doors in the same wall had been kept open. Aredel let the vision move again, behind the door next to the bar he found a storage area, behind that was a prison like block, mostly beast men were locked in there, he also saw some humans. His shock threatened to disturbed his concentration and his vision started to blur and fade and fade his voice fell silent from chanting as he stumbled and fell backwards on the ground of his own room. In front of him the candles burned brightly up and then went out, the wind had long settled for it should have been down from the moment the vision came to his eyes. Breathing heavily he sat on the ground, trying to collect his thoughts, what he had seen had struck him quite hard. The abused captives, mutilated, forced in small cells, laying in their own excrements. Most of them had open wounds that had been infected the sight had been plainly horrid.


After he pulled himself together Aredel stood up, and walked to the bowl, the water had disappeared. As it always did after retreating from a vision, it vaporized to return back to its origin, the Spring of Sight, or as he and his people named it, “Cened celu”, sight spring.

((* C is pronounced as K *))


Uneasy Aredel cleaned up the ritual set up from the table. He had seen enough, he’d expose what happened down there to the cities peace keepers today!

Aredel had covered himself in his armor, a layer of elegantly decorated leather covered his skin, over this he wore a finely woven mithril chainmail, protecting his abdomen and arms. his chest wore an plate armor of an near white metal that existed out of several parts making it flexible. The front had been decorated in wing like shapes of witch the feathers where edged with gold. The shoulder guars only covered the flanks, shaped in birdlike forms and the top of his shoulders where protected by the mithril chainmail. His neck was protected by fine silver scale mail, hands by part mail, part leather gloves which ended underneath the metal bracers that covered his underarms. Also these where decorated on the edges with golden art pieces.

The skirt he wore hanged from a broad leather belt that curved in a point downwards in the middle of his front and existed out of two scale mail flaps, over them also hung two wing like hip-plates that protected his flanks. An in the middle in front of him a chainmail flap that had a crest on it made out of small golden rings and behind the chainmail a long silk drape flowed down, for on the front the scale mail did not completely shut the skirt. His boots where armored likewise and a leather trousers where worn underneath the skirt.


((* I know this is only a description, however I wish to point at it that I claim copyrights, or something like that, for the design of this armor, for I am making it for real at the moment, of course not out of mithril and fictional metals but existing metals and materials. It is my first real, “Grand” piece of art, which symbolizes the protection that we enjoy, by to our guardian angels / astral guides, whatever you want to call them... However I’m going to leave the great explanation out for now, I wrote like eighty pages of iconography of the work, well it also exists out of a lot pages with morphologic origin… but whatever This include the helmet, but I don’t think you can make up the look of it by its description here :P * ))

The three throwing knives he hung crossed over his lower back two handles to the left one to the right. His short swords crossed over his higher back, so he could easily draw them over his shoulders, next he bound his hair together in a high ponytail ant took winged helmet from the standard. He did not take the time to put on his cloak as well for that was purely decorative and walked to the stairs to go up again. Then he looked back one more time at the armor stand, he felt surprised by himself, his second day in the human capital, and already he donned his armor, as if he somehow got drawn in into some aggressive mood all the sudden, even though his intentions where plain defensive.

He shook the thoughts from his head and left his house, first he’d inform the district captain and ask for reinforcement so he could bring the captain there safely, enough thugs had to be there, that was for sure.


((* Thanks for the support so far people, Huggles and Kizzles, as we say it here, xD All the best wishes to you all and hope you enjoy the rest as well, Greetz,


Jordy *))

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