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ESP Compilation Help


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First, I am kinda new here and I do apologize if this is the wrong forum for this question.

Ok, I have several armor mods I use. I want to compile them all into ONE esp instead of having to load 8 or 9 esp files to use them in my game. Is there a way to do this or a tutorial for this? I have googled and searched for hours and came up with nothing. Thank you.. :confused:

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I've never done it (or even tried) but I recall reading that you can load all ESPs in the Construction Set and use it to merge them. Looking just now in the CS with two of my mods loaded (but none set to active) when you select File > Tools the top option is Combine Loaded Plugins. Not sure what happens after that as I'm not looking to combine my mods.

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Alright.. cool guys thank you. Gonna give it a try. I have like 5 armors I use in my game so I dont get tired of the same one all of the time. :tongue: But if I can do this with just one esp it will come in handy big time. Thank you again. I will let ya's know how I did. :thumbsup: Oh and so sorry I didnt mention for what game.. Oblivion. >.<

Edited by BloodFists
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UPDATE: Thanks you guys!! I figured it out. It loads all the armors under this one esp whoohoo! :laugh: Just tested and tried it. Now my girl can just go to her dresser and choose one for each day. You guys are the best.. Thank you once again. :thumbsup:

Edited by BloodFists
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