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The game just restarted my computer. I never had that happen to me before. I had papyrus log enabled in Skyrim.ini so I got a log. The last thing in that log was "Info: *Achievement 39 awarded - a winner is you!*


As I do not have an achievement mod or any mod that would award achievements as far as I know does anyone know where that came from?

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I think it's a sarcastic comment when game thinks you are cheating. Not sure exactly which script does it - could be even something within game engine itself.

For example, if you use a console command to give you a lot of gold: i.e. player.additem f 100000, this line immediately pops up:


Info: *Achievement 36 awarded - a winnar is you!* (in that exact spelling)

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It has nothing to do with cheating. Whenever the player does something that would award an achievement (whether or not it has already been earned) a hard coded trace statement is printed in the log. I presume that this was done so that the developers at Bethesda could have a place holder for the instructions to tell Steam when to award achievements. Or just to have feedback that an achievement could have been earned had it been the first time doing that particular thing.

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It has nothing to do with cheating. Whenever the player does something that would award an achievement (whether or not it has already been earned) a hard coded trace statement is printed in the log. I presume that this was done so that the developers at Bethesda could have a place holder for the instructions to tell Steam when to award achievements. Or just to have feedback that an achievement could have been earned had it been the first time doing that particular thing.

The problem is I am playing v1.6.659 the GOG version so as far as I know Steam has nothing to do with my game. This is what puzzled me about the whole achievement thing.


Are achievements hard coded into SkyrimSE.exe or Update.esm?

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The code that prints to the papryus log is not accessible. It is most likely within the game engine itself rather than one of the plugins.


I highly doubt that when Bethesda did the GoG version that they took the time to strip out everything associated with achievements. If they took anything out at all. They could have removed any Steam API calls from the engine or disabled them in some other fashion. We can only speculate.


All that really matters is that those trace statements about achievements are harmless and at one point intentional.

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Thank you for your reply IsharaMeradin, you have corrected some of my assumptions which were incorrect.


I had always assumed that the GOG version was done by GOG not Bethesda. In other words I thought that GOG made the changes to SkyrimSE.exe not Bethesda.


I have looked at those papyrus logs from both when my game crashed and when I exited out of the game and have seen no difference that I could understand. I have seen that achievement line a few times in the log file and you are undoubtedly right in your conclusion about those statements.


I had always read in other posts that the papyrus log was not a crash log and that seems to be correct. I could see no difference in the log from when it was generated after a crash or when it was generated after I exited out of the game normally. That is not to say that there is not a clue in those logs, it may be that I do not have the knowledge to understand them.


This is rather a disappointment to me as when I googled "Skyrim crash logger" the majority of links that came up were to enable the papyrus log in Skyrim.ini.


Are you aware of any crash log mods the deal specifically with Skyrim crashes?


Once again, thank you for your replies.

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Well, it is not like GoG wrote code for their version of SkyrimSE from scratch - they would have gotten it from Bethesda.


Papyrus log is indeed no crash log but it can help if the crash was brought on by something done in a script.


For most scripts, it is entirely up to script author if they want to add Debug.Trace statements in case they encounter an error.

Or to even validate objects before using them. If you see a lot of stack tracing in the log, that's sloppy scripting.


More often, however, crashes are brought on by problems with meshes, textures, morphs, bad skeleton nodes and such.


For old SE (1.5.97), NetScript Framework would provide a rather comprehensive crash log, but NetScript was never updated for 1.6.*


For AE, there is:



You get crashlogs but they are pretty much a dump of everything the game had in memory at the time.

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Thank you for your reply scorp10, I will give that crash logger a shot.


On a side note I just saw a new mod called "Papyrus VM" which interested me as when I check my Papyrus log after exiting out of SSE AE normally the last four lines are;


VM is freezing

VM is frozen

Saving Game

VM is thawing


Any idea whether this is a normal function of Papyrus to use that script?

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That is normal and will appear in the unmodified game when papyrus logging is turned on. Basically it is doing what it is says. It is freezing the game so that the game can be saved. Once saved, the game thaws so that it can be played further or exited as the user desires. I am unsure of what VM actually stands for. It could be Video Manager, it could be Virtual Manager, it could be anything really.

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