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Downloading mods? (Overloads didnt help)

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Ok, the guide did NOT help at all. It seems that everyone has vista... I wanted to download flickones power armor. It just left me confused at the part part where I have to but the 'mesh, textures, etc.' inside of the fallout 3 data files. Can someone walk me through this NICE AND EASY? Im new to all of this remember.

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First off, when extracting, it's always easiest (at least for me) to extract to a different folder first, for example, I installed FO3 to D/Program Files/Bethesda/Fallout3. Well I always extract my mods into D/Program Files/Bethesda/Mods. This way, I can open up the mods folders and make sure everything is in order.

From there, you can either copy and paste or cut and paste into the Bethesda/Fallout3/Data folder. Some mods will be packed with a "Data" folder at the top, meaning the first folder is Data. when you open it you get the Meshes/Textures/whatever folders, in this case, make sure the meshes and textures folders are in the Data folder of the Fallout 3 directory.

When your pasting into the Fallout Data, remember that your not pasting on to the disc, your pasting into the place where the game was installed on your hard drive.

Hopefully that all made sense and I didn't confuse you even worse....

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Alright, I'm starting to think I shouldn't have bought fallout 3 now...can someone start me off from the beginning?


I cant 'Save as', I know about folders, but all this folder crap is making me about to throw up. Do I have to make a new folder? I know your trying to help, just give me some step by step for windows XP...

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