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I/o Error 21

Go to solution Solved by vortexposer,

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since yesterday im getting this wierd error each time i opend vortex.... idont know what to do anymore... i tried reinstalling multiple times ( Vortex / Game ) but nothing i try seems to fix it... any idea or solutions..?

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since yesterday im getting this wierd error each time i opend vortex.... idont know what to do anymore... i tried reinstalling multiple times ( Vortex / Game ) but nothing i try seems to fix it... any idea or solutions..?

Maybe i should add that D is my CD drive so idk what it rly wants.... as my 2 main Drives are called C and R

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Did you shuffle drive letters recently?

the only thing i did was deleting all mods once and then installing some Collections... now each time i try to install a mod or do anything in vortex this error comes up

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Check your settings in Vortex for where the various folders are stashed. Chiefly, the downloads folder, and the staging folder.

tbh i never looked into setting sand i have no idea what the staging folders or so should be ^^" i just left everything to default by now since installing

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Open vortex, go to settings, then the mods tab. Where is it putting them? (needs to be on the same physical drive as the game you are modding.) Then check the downloads tab, where is vortex putting its downloads?



reinstalled vortex once again on the same drive now it gives me those prompts



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