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Ground Object Meshes won't show in CK or in game.

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I'm making a custom follower mod, they have custom armour. The armour has ground object meshes for when you drop them on the floor. They render fine in NifSkope but in the Creation Kit & the game they are invisible.

Is there anything I can do in Nifskope to make them appear properly in the game & CK?

The armour I'm using is essentially the Spartan Hoplite armour by RyanReos, the only difference is minor changes to the lighting effects & reassigned textures to a custom directory.

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I managed to fix it. I rebuilt the meshes for the helms by importing the meshes from the wearable helms, then removing the skinning & the weighting. I discovered that these helms then worked in game.

I looked at the other ground object meshes in Nifskope & discovered they still had the skinned flag checked. By removing this flag, I was able to see the meshes rendered in CK, it should work fine now.

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Chances are it will not. Dry dropping an item to ground in game.


Ground meshes need to have a BSFadeNode type root.

They should have a BSInvMarker and BSXFlags blocks, as well as bhkCollisionObject defining their havok collision properties.


Generally, best option it to take one of Skyrim's own ground meshes for a similar sized mesh and copy those blocks over.

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