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How to I add a custom load order rule to Vortex?

Go to solution Solved by Pickysaurus,

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I am using the Vortex 1.8.4 Windows10, Skyrim AE (v1.6.640).


I installed a mod (COCO) that gives the following instruction:


COCOBODY V6 and Skin patch installation priority > Higher than XP32 maximum skeleton > Higher than SOS > Higher than other 3BBB body mods > Higher than Integrated MOD.


After down a Mod Manager install of COCO, Vortex reported conflicts with XP32 and 3BBB, and it prompted me to create a rule to address those conflicts, which I did.


However, I have SOS installed and no conflict was reported with SOS by Vortex. SOS is #1 in my load order, and the mod instructions say COCO should be loaded after SOS.


Should I ignore this instruction since Vortex did not report a conflict? Or is there a way to manually add a rule for COCO/SOS or otherwise change the load order?


Thanks much for any advice anyone may have!



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I am using the Vortex 1.8.4 Windows10, Skyrim AE (v1.6.640).


I installed a mod (COCO) that gives the following instruction:


COCOBODY V6 and Skin patch installation priority > Higher than XP32 maximum skeleton > Higher than SOS > Higher than other 3BBB body mods > Higher than Integrated MOD.


After down a Mod Manager install of COCO, Vortex reported conflicts with XP32 and 3BBB, and it prompted me to create a rule to address those conflicts, which I did.


However, I have SOS installed and no conflict was reported with SOS by Vortex. SOS is #1 in my load order, and the mod instructions say COCO should be loaded after SOS.


Should I ignore this instruction since Vortex did not report a conflict? Or is there a way to manually add a rule for COCO/SOS or otherwise change the load order?


Thanks much for any advice anyone may have!




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