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77 bsa files. The AE Creations. SEVENTY-SEVEN BSA FILES! Fallout 4 uses the ba2 format and has a hard limit of 512 ba2 files... As they recommend Main and Textures ba2 sets be separated, every mod having a ba2 for textures and main wouldl recreate the hard limit of 256 mods.


For Skyrim AE and the bsa? I don't know. but the need to merge similar mod bsa files seems paramount.

Seventy-seven bsa files... Feh!

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Theres no limit on bsa files in skyrim, and you dont need separate textures and main bsa files either.


Nor do the plugins to load all those bsas count against the plugin limit because theyre all esl.


So theres no technical issue. I do agree its a lot of noise in your data folder if you need to look for stuff there, but definitely less than if it was all loose files!

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